Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What's the closest game you could compare this to?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
I'm trying to convince my friend to buy this game because it's one of my favorite ways to spend time, so I figured it couldn't be that bad of an idea to invite him to get it. However, he insists that I give him something that base his opinion on. He refuses to watch trailers/gameplay because it'll "ruin the experience," so he wants me to give him an opportunity to try a game that's similar, but not the same as MGXP2. Preferably one with multiplayer so we could both try it and see how the experience would be with both of us playing. He's a relatively new gamer and hasn't played any racing games before, so I don't want to start him off with something too challenging. Any ideas?


There is another thread that was started about Games Similar To MXGP2 and I think you should check there. You'll probably find what you're looking for there.
There is another thread that was started about Games Similar To MXGP2 and I think you should check there. You'll probably find what you're looking for there.

Oh wow, I didn't even notice that the thread was there. Probably should've checked extensively before I posted here, huh? It's fine though, at least I'll know for the future.

This thread is mostly irrelevant now though, I got my friend to cave and buy the game! Hopefully he'll enjoy it just as much as I do. Just gotta wait for him to download it now which will take at least 6 hours.. kinda sucks for him because he pays so much for such bad internet. Oh well, at least we'll be playing soon!


There are many games similar to these game. In the previous thread, many of the members posted about some of the games that are similar. Motorcross is the best one in my opinion.


Oh wow, I didn't even notice that the thread was there. Probably should've checked extensively before I posted here, huh? It's fine though, at least I'll know for the future.

This thread is mostly irrelevant now though, I got my friend to cave and buy the game! Hopefully he'll enjoy it just as much as I do. Just gotta wait for him to download it now which will take at least 6 hours.. kinda sucks for him because he pays so much for such bad internet. Oh well, at least we'll be playing soon!
Really? 6 Hours? Is your Internet speed very slow? It only took me 1 hour to download the entire game. I don't really know why it is talking so much time.
Really? 6 Hours? Is your Internet speed very slow? It only took me 1 hour to download the entire game. I don't really know why it is talking so much time.

Not me, my friend. He's in a bit of a financial situation right now so he had to downgrade to a really sub par internet provider for a few months. The download speed is absolutely atrocious, but he pays close to nothing for it each month. 6 hours might have been a bit of an overstatement, since it's been around 4 hours now and he's almost done downloading it. The bigger problems come from games with huge downloads, like Battlefield games. He had to download those in parts, leaving his computer on overnight for a few days straight. My feels go out to him, but he's a trooper haha. By the second day of that internet speed, I'd be a goner.

Denis Hard

I saw a Demo version of MXGP not too long ago on some site whose URL I can't remember. Since MXGP is the closest you'd get to MXGP2, you friend could download MXGP's demo version, play it and if he likes the game then he most certainly will enjoy playing MXGP2.


I saw a Demo version of MXGP not too long ago on some site whose URL I can't remember. Since MXGP is the closest you'd get to MXGP2, you friend could download MXGP's demo version, play it and if he likes the game then he most certainly will enjoy playing MXGP2.
The demo version of the game will not give the same feeling as the original version. So, I would recommend to download the full version.


You can try Motorcross. I think this is closest game
I think that is one of the many close games. There are actually hundreds of games like this and I would like you to try a few among them. Motorcross will be given the first rank according to me.


There is another thread that was started about Games Similar To MXGP2 and I think you should check there. You'll probably find what you're looking for there.
The most recommended game is the ATV series. There are almost 7-8 games in the ATV series. I have tried all of them and after playing the games, I can say that the game is really close to this game.

Denis Hard

The demo version of the game will not give the same feeling as the original version. So, I would recommend to download the full version.
He wants to test the game first before buying so getting the full version may initially not be an option. The demo version may give him a feel of what the game is like before spending any money on the game.


He wants to test the game first before buying so getting the full version may initially not be an option. The demo version may give him a feel of what the game is like before spending any money on the game.
Yeah, you are absolutely right. Everyone should play the demos of the game and one can even watch the gameplay on the Internet if you want to feel the game.

Denis Hard

Yeah, you are absolutely right. Everyone should play the demos of the game and one can even watch the gameplay on the Internet if you want to feel the game.
I'd prefer the Demo any time though I guess watching a vid on youtube or elsewhere on the net may just be as good. However if the gamer who posted the vid is skilled and you won't be too happy if you later find out the game is quite difficult to master.


Active Member
Why don't you show him a video of the game to see if he likes it or not? I know it's not the same thing as playing the game but you can still get an idea about the gameplay, graphics and physics. A quick search on Youtube should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
It's good that you got your friend to download this game as it is a good one. I don't think the trailers really spoil that much but whatever. I would have suggested just checking out the first version.