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What Would You Like To See Out Of GTA 6?

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New Member
I think GTA 5 still has a fairly long life ahead of it, but what would you like to see out of a new game? Any specific features? How would you like the main characters to be? I feel like there hasn't been much, if any variety in the GTA characters over the years. It's always been a white dude somewhere between 20 and 50. (Excluding San Andreas)
The last game had Franklin and Trevor, who were a bit out of the norm. This lead to a few interesting dynamics being played out we really didn't see much of before. Trevor being sort of a redneck/hillbilly who had a drug business made for some interesting missions we haven't seen a lot of. It also helped that he was a huge psychopath. I don't really have a lot of personal ideas for characters they could implement, maybe could make one based around South America/Mexico. They have a lot of drugs and violence down there, that could be a pretty decent location.
There's also the matters of graphics, map size, soundtrack, new cars, what weapons they use, etc.
What are your thoughts?
A way to filter out the trolls in online sessions would be a godsend. But seriously, I think they have already surpassed most if not all of expectations, even for old fans of the GTA franchise. Maybe people will ask for a more realistic city, with better graphics and a larger scale. Or maybe people would want more variety in weapons, vehicles, and even clothes. Or maybe customization to the point where you can create your own character, instead of playing as a specified character like Carl Johnson or Niko Bellic.


Active Member
I think more co-op things in online mode would be a plus, as for the game I would love to see a new and unique story with more maps added. I loved all the additions in GTA V but the game can always be improved.


New Member
If we were going back down to Mexico, I'd rather have RDR2 really.

But as I'm guessing that VI is going more towards online play, hate it or love it, I'd like to see more two-player content, both local and online. This is because not all of us can gather around a four-person team, and two would be more preferable. So some Bonnie and Clyde type of stuff would be what I'm wishing for!


New Member
Good story is what I need the most, and I've always felt like GTA series delivers on that part. Honestly, my biggest wish is that the game be set in Vice City as that's my favorite game. Could even have a portion of the game set in Havana like San Fierro and Las Venturas parts in San Andreas.


Dedicated servers in online play would be my first wishlist, after that, more options in solo play. Perhaps a weather changing engine where you can choose what its doing outside. I'd like to be able to add more customs to cars outside of what we have in GTA V perhaps a NOS tank like in Fast and Furious.


Yes, I would like to see out the next version of GTA. The developers did an amazing job with GTA 5 and I am sure they are working on the next version (GTA 6). They will take some time but finally, they will come up with something amazing.


I think more co-op things in online mode would be a plus, as for the game I would love to see a new and unique story with more maps added. I loved all the additions in GTA V but the game can always be improved.
That is a good thought. I would also like a new plot and a new story in the game. I would also like the game to have new locations. Everyone would like these new features. Lets justs wait and watch. I hope this game will be released soon.


I don't really see what I would like to take out, because the more feature we have the better, in my opinion. But there's a lot of room for improvement and I'm sure the next GTA will be even better, but it's not getting ready any time soon.


I just think that more of everything would be nice. More choice of cars, guns, locations etc... Of course that is easier said that done, and there certainly is a point where there is too much of a good thing, but in general this is what I would like to see. I am sure we will get some, but how much remains to be seen.


New Member
Hоw аbоut plаying аs Саtаlinа, thе mаin villаin frоm GTА 3. Shе аlsо mаkеs аn аppеаrаnсе in Sаn аndrеаs whеrе shе pаrtnеrs up with сJ in оrdеr tо соmmit а sеriеs оf hеists.
Thе idеа оf plаying thе villаin оf а prеviоus gаmе sееms brilliаnt tо mе. а gаmе thаt wоuld сhrоniсlе hеr risе tо thе lеаdеrship оf thе соlоmbiаn mаfiа оf Libеrty сity аnd еnds with hеr dеаth аt thе hаnds оf hеr fоrmеr lоvеr whоm shе bеtrаyеd. It sоunds sо сооl thаt I'm surprisеd nоbоdy thоught аbоut it.


New Member
Еntеring Rеstаurаnts аnd оthеr buildings : Nоt аs muсh аs in "Truе сrimе:Nеw Yоrk", but sоmеthing оn pаr with GTА Sаn Аndrеаs. Dоn't knоw why it wаs rеmоvеd in GTа V. Mаybе it wаs tоо muсh tо аsk.
I want all the good things about the previous GTA's added into the next one. Like how we could walk into a Clucking Bell in previous games. Another thing is that I would like the police to be reduced a bit, they're just too annoying when you're not playing the singleplayer missions. I think there should be a mode (both in singleplayer and multiplayer) where you can turn off police completely. Of course you wouldn't be able to do any missions etc. but when you just want to roam freely or play with friends the police can get annoying


New Member
I think that the reduction of police would help all the games, but then again the more I think about it maybe not. At least I would like to see what it is like, and then we can judge maybe.


New Member
I guess I would like to see a good story with some pretty interesting side quests. A huge cast of interesting characters and a larger category of weapons in the game. As well as more open space.


I read that they might be restructuring the whole of US map but cutting the distance considerably in a way that you can travel from one end to another in about two hours. Well... That's something I can't wait to see because u would love to see some neighborhoods on GTA. I have non problem with the storyline but I would love some mystery not the same story as GTA 5.
I guess I would like to see a good story with some pretty interesting side quests. A huge cast of interesting characters and a larger category of weapons in the game. As well as more open space.

I was thinking the same things as you are. I really hope that there will be more interesting side quests coming up because that makes the game amazing.


New Member
Yeah, to me having a game with interesting and moving side quests really help sell the game and make it more interesting. Not just for GTA but other games as well.


New Member
When a company announces a sequel or a game which I'm hyped for, I don't really want to think about the things it could have. I wanna see what the developers think and discover why they made what they made the way it is. I do hope that they take into consideration the fans' feedback and implement something.