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What would save the Wii U from abysmal sales?

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Ghost Rider

The Nintendo Wii was a hit of massive proportions. Lots of people, young and old got into motion controls outright. But for the Wii U, it seems to be like another story. What do you think could save the Wii U from extremely bad sales?


What could have saved it is better advertising, and putting it out there more in the form of demos at like GameStop or Expos. Instead it came in very under the radar and that has cost it dearly. Also maybe a better name and more titles at launch certainly wouldn't have hurt it at all.


New Member
I honestly think the naming of the console had something to do with it. I mean the casual user will not know the difference between Wii and Wii U. Is the Wii U just a bundle of some other things? Is it basically the same as the Wii so no point in getting it? These are the questions i had. Heck, I still don't know exactly what the Wii U is. Wouldn't it be awesome to see Nintendo come out with a powerful console that could rival with X1 and PS4 and possibly have better specs?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Chia555. They just didn't do enough changes to really separate it from their previous console and I think we're seeing the aftermath of it. Nintendo targets younger kids and parents tend to buy things for these people, and you can't really expect these parents to be able to discern the minor nuances enough to purchase the latest thing when they seem pretty much the same as the older and cheaper model.


There are mature games coming out that might save the Wii U. Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Tomonobu Itagaki's Devil's Third are mature games that are Wii U exclusives. I know a few Tomo Itagaki fans that will be buying the Wii U just for Devil's Third.
I wouldn't write it off yet. Some Xenoblade Chronicles fans are fanatics and will buy a console for it.



Exclusives and exclusives only. Any third party game that was released on the WiiU was really half assed and didn't add to the game library any good. The WiiU is coming out with some pretty good exclusives right now, including Mario Kart 8, a new The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. a lot more. Who knows, maybe the WiiU can actually make a profit and not some bloated console that almost had Nintendo fans and Nintendo itself in tears.


Well-Known Member
There are mature games coming out that might save the Wii U. Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Tomonobu Itagaki's Devil's Third are mature games that are Wii U exclusives. I know a few Tomo Itagaki fans that will be buying the Wii U just for Devil's Third.
I wouldn't write it off yet. Some Xenoblade Chronicles fans are fanatics and will buy a console for ]

I agree. It still has lots of fight in it left and even their non mature games are getting more traction recently, so the fact that they have those mature games on top of that is really a big bonus. I think this console will do just fine but I'm sure they would want to do better in their next one which is what I'm looking forward to. I'd love to see what they do next.
Well the release of mario kart 8 and the new super smash bros. have boosted their sales. I have a friend who is a nintendo fan and he knows, because he researched it. He has also bought both games because they are so popular for nintendo. I think the only thing keeping the WIIU afloat are the exclusives.


The only thing that would save the Wii U from failing miserably right now is more AAA support. Almost all the major publishers are ignoring this console now.

Ghost Rider

Developers are avoiding the Wii U because the console is years behind technologically speaking as compared to its rivals. At least, they have a couple of great exclusives like Bayonetta, Fatal Frame, Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros and many others. Still, this may not be enough to rise above the pack. Nintendo should be able to encourage a lot of indie developers in order to have lots of unique games in their library.


The Nintendo Wii was a hit of massive proportions. Lots of people, young and old got into motion controls outright. But for the Wii U, it seems to be like another story. What do you think could save the Wii U from extremely bad sales?
They need more games for one. The second thing would be a better online experience. The Wii pretty much sucks when it comes to online play, and online streaming. Maybe they can merge with one of the other companies out there and just redesign the whole thing. Once the Kinect and Motion came out, that was the beginning of the end, in my opinion.


I think it loses its charm more quickly than other consoles is all. Also yes there are not a huge selection of games to choose from. The idea was novel definitely but I just don't think it garnered appeal among gamers like Nintendo thought it would.


The main thing that would boost sales would be some big major exclusive titles to the Wii U. I know a lot of people who would be convinced at buying a wii-u if a good Zelda game comes out.


At this point not much can "Save" them depending on the level of success you consider a "success". They wont get any where close to beating PS4 in console sales, but they can get a nice boost for the final legs of the Wii-U's life. Zelda looks amazing and the new StarFox could be impressive and help some sales. But the truth is anyone who wanted a Wii-U would have one by now. Like when Mario kart and Smash Bros came out.


Well-Known Member
The main thing that would boost sales would be some big major exclusive titles to the Wii U. I know a lot of people who would be convinced at buying a wii-u if a good Zelda game comes out.
Zelda seems to be the one game that people constantly mention so I'm inclined to agree. I think I've even heard it mentioned a lot more than Mario to be honest. I'm guessing Mario is more of an icon whereas Zelda is more beloved.


Zelda seems to be the one game that people constantly mention so I'm inclined to agree. I think I've even heard it mentioned a lot more than Mario to be honest. I'm guessing Mario is more of an icon whereas Zelda is more beloved.

The reason Zelda is mentioned so much is mostly cause the Mario's for this generation have come and gone and people know we wont see any more Mario games on this platform. It hold up to Nintendo's history when it comes to releaseing its first party games. It usually involves 1-2 major releases per generation and weve already seen all the major Mario games so no more from that side of the field for this gen. All that is left is Zelda and maybe a Metroid which may never come .


Dude, this console has to be the worst release I have ever seen in my life. It was an epic fail and is joked about on gaming review shows till this day. Almost like an after thought from the very first months of its release. But to be fair, I have to say the licensing thing with that company is really working against them. Because its like their new gen is always too limited in software for it to be enjoyable. Makes you wonder if they still think this is the SNES days.


Active Member
The Wii U lost sales before it even came out, it got released a little bit before the XBOX One and PS4, that was issue number one. Issue number two is that it can't compete with them, it only has games that are aimed at little kids and nostalgic people that love franchises like Mario.
I think the biggest problem with the Wii U is the lack of marketing. So many people have no idea the Wii U is a different console than the Wii and the name doesn't help at all. Putting the name aside if they had marketed it well they would have gotten better sales in my opinion.


Man, I remember when I saw a person come into game stop and tried to sell his Wii only to be told they would buy it for $15. Everyone's face dropped as my friend tried offering him $20 for it but he was so mad he stormed out the store with the mean face. LMAO, I will never forget this low point in the gaming industry :)