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What were your first thoughts on seeing/playing vice city for the first time?

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New Member
Well I remember the first time I saw GTA vice city being played on a computer when I was about 9 years old and I was in totally awe. I had never seen any video game that looks so realistic and I just had to play. How about you?


New Member
The first GTA game I had ever played was GTA 3. My girlfriend at the time actually went out and bought me the PlayStation 2 and the game, because I had xBox at the time. It was an entirely different world for me, and I was easily confused and had no idea what I was doing. Doing simple things probably took me hours to do, because it was an entirely new concept for me.


New Member
I played it around when I was 13 and it was just th emost awesome thing ever, the game mechanic, the brutality, the humor in it, driving cars, killing people, decapitating, getting money it was all so awesome and brutal and never before seen. Everythig stuck with me for the resto of my life, from the missions, to the map which I remember like the back of my hand, the radio stations, the characters, the atmosphere, the places, everything.


I played it the first time last 2005, and I was very much into video games that time and I instantly got hooked, and I am always excited to play and get further in the game everyday that I turn on the pc. I liked the whole concept of the game since I don't like to think too much when playing a video game, I just want to mindlessly shoot and move.


New Member
I was excited because I was finally able to play a GTA, other than my daily GTA III. Still I can't say I played it so much back then, as I used to stick to San Andreas later and forgot about it. But in my opinion it's a nice classic game (and also got more exploring possibilities than III, which was nice for me).


New Member
My first experiences with GTA: Vice City have been pretty positive. It was actually my first GTA game and I thoroughly enjoyed it a lot. I never played any game like that. The game had a great atmosphere, and gave me a lot of open-world freedom. I liked the story, the characters, the vehicles, everything. It was very exciting. :)


New Member
My first thoughts were "Wow you can steal a car and just race around the city? This game is awesome!" But I didn't really enjoyed that much of the game because the PC that I'm using is so primitive that all it can manage at the time was to pump out 15 FPS for 2 minutes before it crashes.


New Member
Oops, I misunderstood the question. I remember getting Vice City only a few years back (maybe 2009). I was going out with a girlfriend at the time and was staying at her place. I felt bad because I had just gotten the game and was quickly becoming addicted to it, because, let's face it. when you have no idea what's going on in the game, it takes a long time to complete the missions. So whenever she'd go out I'd play it, and she'd come back hours later and I'd still be playing it.


New Member
I remember playing it around 2005-06 with my cousin and some friends and it was just the best thing that ever happened in gaming for me personally, it was incredible, it was realistic, the graphics were awesome for that time, the free roaming aspect of doing what you want, cutting people down with a katana, riding on a buggy on the beach, pissing police off while killing the whole town in a tank, it was just incredibly awesome.


New Member
I was hooked into the game and I can't stop myself from playing it, back then this game was a gem, the graphics are good and the gameplay is just wow, had so much fun with it.


It was amazing, when the first time I saw this kind of game. I can do anything I want in this game, killing people, stealing cars and sell an ice cream using ice cream truck.


New Member
I first played it when I was in my elementary years. I was in an internet cafe and was planning to play Counter Strike and then I saw an unusual icon on the desktop. I opened it and then I saw the Vice City for the first time. I was amazed actually. I was in total awe that time. I tried playing it without even any knowledge what it is. The first thing I did was to ride vehicles. I played for 30 minutes and then the rest of my time, I researched so that the next time I'll play it again, I'll know what to do.

Thomas Hall

New Member
I remember watching a friend play it in 2003 and it was a great game and reminded me of scarface at the time and how you play as Tommy who was betrayed by Sonny and he vows to get revenge. The game felt real, although cartoony look and it was nice to drive fast cars and fight gangs in the game as well. Selling icecream was good and making money was easy to do in the game than in real life as you have to put in a lot of effort to do it.


Active Member
A friend gave it to me when I was like 8 years old and I started playing it and had no idea what I was doing.
I was fascinated by all the things that were possible and I started to explore the map. It was fun.


Active Member
I remember playing vice city for hours on end when it first came out and I remember thinking as far as games go, it couldn't possibly get any better than this!

The amount of things to do and the fact it was genuinely an open world game where you could pretty much do whatever you wanted and go anywhere blew me away.

And then came San Andreas which even now is probably my favourite GTA of all time.


New Member
I had watched friends play GTA 3 and heard about Vice City that had just recently came out.
I got myself a PC copy and it ran very, very slow. So slow that I cruised through it giving perfect headshots to everyone in every shootout.
I enjoyed it immensely and beat the game about 5 or 6 times before it came out on Xbox and I bought it again with San Andreas and 3 in that one big pack. Upon buying it on Xbox I beat it about another 8 or 9 times.
Good days, those.
Initially, I thought that the game would be really boring because of all the cut scenes that take up half the mission time. But once I actually tried the game out, I immediately changed my impression. It was actually not that bad of a game! Plus it's really optimized for old PCs!


New Member
I wasn't completely blown away, since I already played pretty much every GTA before that, but I definitely loved it. It was, in my opinion, even better than GTA 3, and it was one of the games I just needed to finish because I was so into it. Ended up having to get help for a few missions though, haha.
I played Vice City quite a few years after it came out, so I wasn't as blown away by it as you were. GTAIV was already out by this time, so the graphics on Vice City looked very dated and the controls were clunky. That said, I've never been the type of person to stop playing a game because of dated graphics, and I enjoyed every moment of Vice City.


I picked up the game when I saw it discounted in a supermarket, I instantly bought it. One of the best purchase of my life. I've spend countless hours playing that game. My first impression was that it's going to be some Scarface rip-off, well, kinda, but not really. I loved it, that atmosphere, the characters, the story. It's was just solid and that made it amazing.