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What Was Your Favorite Thing To Do?

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New Member
There was a lot of fun things to do in GTA IV, so which one was your favorite? Singleplayer or multiplayer, any expansion/dlc.

I think my favorite thing to do was the swingset glitch. It had to be in multiplayer for the most part, or you would fly out the windshield. Finding that place, and getting in cars with friends, and doing it over and over til your car blown up or got stuck. Trying to find the best cards to fly the farthest with. One time, I was using and infernus, and I flew almost into the river/bay or whatever it was called, which was basically halfway across the city. Getting those perfect launches made my day.


New Member
May be a bit ironic, but the best meme to come out of this game was actually one of my favorite parts of the game. Loved bowling, be it with Roman or someone else. Swingset glitch was also very fun, but I enjoyed multiplayer as well, seeing how GTA IV was the first GTA to actually try with a multiplayer.
I think the killing people, stealing cars, going on joyrides is a given. What I did HATE in this game though, is the fact that you have to make sure to hang out with your buddies to get their approval, a la SIMS, where you can only get their special ability by befriending them. I think having to be forced into doing monotonous things killed the game for me, because as much as I like the characters in the game, being forced to hang out with them is a pain in the neck, since I just want to play the game my way.


Active Member
I think the killing people, stealing cars, going on joyrides is a given. What I did HATE in this game though, is the fact that you have to make sure to hang out with your buddies to get their approval, a la SIMS, where you can only get their special ability by befriending them. I think having to be forced into doing monotonous things killed the game for me, because as much as I like the characters in the game, being forced to hang out with them is a pain in the neck, since I just want to play the game my way.

While I agree that it was a bit of a chore sometimes trying to keep everyone happy, Rockstar have constantly tried to make the GTA series of games as realistic as possible and in some ways this was another way of doing that.

In real life we have to hang out with friends otherwise they stop being friends, so in that respect maybe GTA was a little too realistic!


Active Member
I love just messing around and doing things in the game, I liked singleplayer more than multiplayer in GTA IV. Car races are a blast!


Active Member
I love just messing around and doing things in the game, I liked singleplayer more than multiplayer in GTA IV. Car races are a blast!

The racing element of the game often gets overlooked I feel, and for a game such as GTA, the racing is actually done pretty well. While it's never going to be as good or competitive as games such as Gran Turismo for example, for an open world game such as GTA is, I think it's about as good as it can get.


New Member
I honestly didn't spend much time with the singleplayer in GTA 4. I did however, spend countless hours in free roam with my friends. I remember staying up all those nights making up our own games, teaming up against other random people and of course - the classic shootout with the police.


Active Member
The racing element of the game often gets overlooked I feel, and for a game such as GTA, the racing is actually done pretty well. While it's never going to be as good or competitive as games such as Gran Turismo for example, for an open world game such as GTA is, I think it's about as good as it can get.
Well, everything can be improved but for an open-world game that doesn't necessarily focus on cars (although the game is based on grand theft auto) racing is done pretty well, the physics aren't the best but I'm sure they didn't spend that much time on it.


I just liked to cause mayhem. I'd start to destroy things, and then I'd try to get away from the police with the 5stars. It was pretty cool, because they start to go really hardcore on you.


Doing the things I usually do when playing GTA. Killing people or cops, stealing cars, and getting killed. But sometimes I play darts and bowling with Roman.


Active Member
Well, everything can be improved but for an open-world game that doesn't necessarily focus on cars (although the game is based on grand theft auto) racing is done pretty well, the physics aren't the best but I'm sure they didn't spend that much time on it.

I think your right and even though the title of the game is vehicle based, I'm sure that right from the first game it was just a title rather than a clue as to what the game was about.

Also, imagine how good the racing would be if they HAD have tried and put more effort into it, because like we've already said, the racing element for an open world game, is pretty impressive.


Active Member
I think your right and even though the title of the game is vehicle based, I'm sure that right from the first game it was just a title rather than a clue as to what the game was about.

Also, imagine how good the racing would be if they HAD have tried and put more effort into it, because like we've already said, the racing element for an open world game, is pretty impressive.
I think the title wanted to reference gangs, crime and mafia rather than stealing cars and running away from them. I would love if they try to improve the racing part of the game GTA VI but I wouldn't be mad if they didn't, as long as they update us with new and cool cars. :p
I loved going to the comedy shows when I went on dates. They only had a few, but I never got tired of going to a show and getting a few laughs when I took a break from the story.


Active Member
The comedy shows and even the bus tour you can take, the leisure activities that you could do in the game was unfortunately a bit limited for me though, and I think more could have been done.

GTA San Andreas there was a lot more, and the dating elements in there aswell made that side of the game more fun to play in my opinion. Let's hope that in future Rockstar can improve on that.


New Member
Wеll, I sоmеtimеs likе tо just сruisе аrоund thе сity, аt night оr еаrly mоrning with thundеrstоrm in thе bасkgrоund ;)
Thе rаiny/thundеrstоrm wеаthеr in this gаmе is tо this dаy оnе оf thе mоst immеrsivе things.
I dо likе tо fight thе соps, but I dоn't dо this sо оftеn.
I likе tо dо sоmе Stеvе's missiоns оr just mаkе sоmе сhаоs with еuphоriа еnginе ;p


I usеd tо bе оbsеssеd with thе FIB Buffаlо in IV аnd lоvеd driving it аrоund...Nоw I dоn't hаvе оnе аnymоrе аs it wаs оn аn оld Sаvе I hаd. But sinсе I gоt а muсh, muсh bеttеr оnе nоw, I prеfеr it оvеr my prеviоus оnе whiсh wаsn't gооd еnоugh. But I did hаvе а lоt оf Pоliсе Vеhiсlеs in it likе thе FIB Buffаlо, NооSе сruisеr, NооSе Pаtriоt, еnfоrсеr, еtс, еtс...


Active Member
Just reaing through the thread it becomes clear that we all like to do different things when it comes to GTA, and I think that's one of the things that has made GTA the success that it is...the fact that we CAN actually do pretty much anything we want.

When it comes to games that are genuinely open world, GTA is one of the best and while there are still some limits that I'd like to see opened up, like being able to enter any property, on the whole Rockstar are going in the right direction and especially online where we really can pretty much do whatever we want to make money.


Pеrsоnаlly, my fаvоritе thing tо dо is tо drivе tо Nоrthеrn аldеrnеy, аnd survivе wаntеd lеvеls. еspесiаlly if yоu usе thе саsinо, it's rеаlly fun. Thе rооftоps prоvidе dесеnt соvеr, аnd wаiting fоr thе соps tо сlimb thе lаddеr, thеn tаking thеm оut is rеаlly sаtisfying.


I аlsо likе tо plаy pооl. Wаtсhing thе NPс's shооt аwаy frоm thе соrrесt bаll hаs nеvеr bееn mоrе hilаriоus.