Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What view do you prefer?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Ghost Rider

Some racing games provide a lot of camera views while driving in game. There's a bird's eye view cam, a third person view wherein you get to see the back of the car and a first-person view which sometimes even permits you to view the dashboard of the car. Which camera view do you prefer?
i had a wheel and gas pedal add on for my original xbox and i loved the first person view for it! poroject gotham racing was my favorite! if im playing with a controller third person all the way


Well-Known Member
I prefer the third person view. I never really got the first person view at all as I always had trouble figuring out the boundaries outside of the car when in this view, and I never got how people could effectively use it but they do. In third person view at least you'd know exactly how far the walls are and when you should be turning.


New Member
I've always struggled playing in 1st person view to be honest, third person view allows you to see the secenery and awesome drifts/turn's as you drive, much more enjoyable if you're not competitive.


I prefer to use the third person view. I have been using the view since the days of Road Rash. So it is a bit easy to play in that view.


I also prefer where you are behind the car and can view the surroundings and the car. It is easier to make some crazy maneuvers when you are outside the car rather than inside.


Well-Known Member
@mikelouis - Me too, especially in games where there is drifting involved. I really can't imagine how some players prefer first person view and even do well or do better in it. I guess it just takes some getting used to, but still, it's hard for me to imagine how it could be more accurate than third person view where you could see the whole street in relation to the car.


I always play in first person view. I like when games, like Test Drive Unlimited, have a view mode where you can actually see the gauges and interior. I feel so immersed whenever I race in the view mode.

Jun Yun

Hood view or bumper view for sims. Not only is it the "fastest" view, but it helps in clipping apexes and just getting a general feel of how wide the car is if you can go that extra centimeter and not hit the wall.

For arcade racers, I go for third person. More peripheral vision gives you an edge especially when you're drifting around.


I prefer the camera that's behind the car. I love it when it's slightly above the car so the vehicle itself doesn't obstruct your view. Some games actually have the car dead center, it's pretty damn awful because then I can't see anything in front of me. Thankfully, the games that screw up the camera so badly are rather rare. Hell, I can't remember any recent one being bad like that. to be honest.


I prefer the first person view, however I don't like looking at the dashboard too much, and the others just really confuse me I guess, make it more difficult for me.
I used to really enjoy playing in the "third person" view, because then I got to see how messed up my car looked after the crashes. I'm still into the whole demolition aspect of driving and that is why I play games like Twisted Metal and to the lesser extent Vigilante 8. Nowadays whenever I play simulation modes I tend to use the driver's view most, because it challenges me to better myself at driving both ingame and out.


I enjoy playing the racing games in the third person view, because I think that I have the most control over the car in that view. But when I was younger and I had a steering wheel for my computer I used to play in the first person view all the time. If I would still have the steering wheel in my possession I would definetly play the game in the first person view, because this way I feel like I'm really driving the car and got a feeling that I don't play just a game but drive a real car.

Denis Hard

I tried first person view when playing Need For Speed but the best I could do was drive off the road, bump into others cars, walls, bridge railings, etc. And as a matter of fact when watching those who preferred first person view, I didn't find the game that interesting to play.

Probably that's why I like third person view when playing. I want to see my opponents and times block those behind me from overtaking me.
I think for games like GTA, it's better to play in third person view, because then you can see all the action that goes on and easily flick the camera with your mouse to see all around you. For rally games - I prefer first-person even though it seems harder at first, but it teaches good hand/eye coordination and getting the ability to practice your reflexes in turning at the precise moment.

I got pretty good at WRC 4 and it's such a rush to play. You totally get into it while playing in first-person.
I usually play in the third person, seeing how difficult it can be if you use dashboard view, etc. I find it that I can control the car a lot better in exterior view, as to other views. Plus I like looking at my car's butt. ;)


I prefer the third person normal view. Any other view obstructs your surroundings and you can't do things properly. The in car view is cool to look at and seems more realistic but isn't really practical if you are trying to play seriously.
First person is the view I prefer now. I started off in third person because I wanted to see my car and it makes turning much easier, but I tried out first person after getting my license and it's just much more realistic and I stuck with it.