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What sports do you watch?

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College football games on Saturday is the new trend for me at the moment. I haven't spent a great deal of time into watching any other sports. Probably watch some NFL games once in awhile.


Do you guys watch any seasonal sports? Like snowboard racing and ocean fishing.
I've watched a few episodes of deep sea fishing documentaries but no more than that. I really enjoyed them but I just haven't had time to delve into watching more.


New Member
I follow the X-Games and tennis. I'm also a huge fan of the Olympics. Currently, I am looking forward to watching the Winter Olympics, which is coming up in a couple of months.


I follow the X-Games and tennis. I'm also a huge fan of the Olympics. Currently, I am looking forward to watching the Winter Olympics, which is coming up in a couple of months.
Who wouldn't watch the Olympics unless they're not doing something else. That is the great all time and only takes place every 2 years.

Racer X

I follow track and field, basketball and football. I'll occasionally watch tennis, particularly the women's division, but this is mostly a rarity for me. But of those four sports, basketball is easily my favorite to both watch and play. I'm an avid fan of the NBA, particularly the Knicks. But I do enjoy watching track and field, I watch televised track meets as often as I can. I always watch the Olympics for the track events. I'm a homer for the Americans, but I can't deny that I've been in awe of Usain Bolt. But it wasn't surprising to see a Jamaican dominate sprint events, it's what they do. And I catch pro football whenever I get the chance.


I'm not a huge fan of racing. I don't mind when I'm playing a racing game, but never was a real fan of watching the likes of Nascar or Formula 1. I figured I'd get that off my chest first. Nothing against the sport though.

Anyways I prefer Football (NFL) the most. I'll watch Basketball once in a while and that's about it. Oh and the UFC and I'll also occasionally watch some fake fight with Pro Wrestling like Raw. haha! Guilty pleasure I suppose.


Active Member
I always watch the Olympics. Looking forward to 2014. I can't appreciate sports that are about abusing animals. Humans, sure, they choose to get into it, but not animals.