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What keeps you entertained by a Grand Theft Auto videogame?

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The storyline, rampages, multiplayer, but more of all PC MODS, It's why San Andreas is my favorite. There are more crazy mods for san andreas than anything else. You can literally turn it into an entirely different game with enough mods. It's wild.


New Member
I play a game called "How many people can I kill before the cops finally take me out"

We're all sick people on GTA, we've all played this game, and it happens to be my favorite.


I think that the storyline and the free roam plus the variety in missions is what sets GTA apart from other games. They are not monotonous and you don't do the same thing over and over again, unlike car racing for example. I now seem to get bored playing those kind of games.


I love the fact that I can do whatever I want in this game, even the things I can't do in real life and that makes the game really fun. I also like the storyline they have and these two things keep me playing GTA for years now. I never get bored of it.


New Member
The freedom, I'd like to just go on a wild race throughout the whole town after finishing a stressful and hard mission.


New Member
When I am playing I really just like driving around and doing dumb stunts that would never work! If I'm watching someone else play I definitely like watching the storyline a lot more than someone driving or running around aimlessly doing nonsense.


New Member
In San Andreas, it was customizing cars and flying that kept me playing after I'd finished the story line. Now that there's GTA Online, I do the same things--just with friends instead. Pimping out and racing the Panto smart car with a bunch of other people is satisfying.
The sandbox features. Just being able to run around and do whatever I wish is something I find very satisfying whether it's beating people up on the streets or going on a car chase. The older games were hilarious too with the ability to spawn vechicles at will and go on a rampage.


New Member
I want to feel immersed in my video games. So GTA really does accomplish that crave for an experience that feels to real to be true. But I think GTA IV ccomplished that better than GTA V


New Member
Storyline! Especially the split aspect. I mean, being able to play the same game over multiple times and coming to multiple different endings is great! But GTA has a reasonable amount of outcomes, unlike games like Skyrim where I feel I will never see all of what the game has to offer.


New Member
The fact that I can explore such a large game world keeps me interested. Also the chances that I can come across random happenings that usually seem to be funny. Like a bus driver driving off course, or my arms suddenly disappearing. I know these are glitches, but they make the game just a bit more interesting to play. GTA V, by itself, is an alluring game.


New Member
The game has a great story line i really love the way the game carries it self. I also love the game because if i just want to ride around or earn some extra cash by robbing stores i can do that. The way i discover new things that keeps me entertained.


New Member
I like the story line especially the abilitystanding experience to switch from one character to another. It gives you an outstanding experience.
Years ago when only GTA 3 was released I had a blast just climbing up on a building with a full arsenal of weapons and just causing havock in the area. Those were times where games were simpler and that was a novelty though. Nowadays I still do that in GTA V, but it's not as fun in single player, I like getting online and causing mayhem with my friends. So, to answer your question I would have to say the story and the social aspect of the game keeps me hooked.
I just like playing the game in general. What really keeps me in the game though are the maps. It's more fun when you get to travel to different places because then you have a better view of the game.


New Member
The thing that really keeps me entertained is the fact that you can just drive aroundif you want to. I also like the way you can come in encounter all kind of random characters.


New Member
In general I think that the open world aspect and being able to go anywhere or do anything is what I like most about Grand Theft Auto. The storylines and missions are always fun to play through and then when you are done with that, you always have to option to free roam and do as you please. The addition of trophies/achievements on the PS3 and 360 for GTA IV and V have also added more play time to the games, if you are like me and want to beat the game 100%. I do wish that they would've put a jetpack in GTA V for getting 100%, like they did in San Andreas :(.


New Member
The open world structure and real-life humor is what makes it for me. You can do things that happen in real life but most people don't do.


New Member
I just love how much you can find in the games, even after you 100% them. The little secrets that are referenced directly and indirectly are great, because you have a good indication that if you spend enough time in the game, you're going to find more things to do.
That, plus RS constantly adding new features and weapons to shake things up is great.


The fun part about GTA game is the freedom it presents you with. You can literally fly anywhere, go anywhere, kill anyone. Isn't it like a dream come true?