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What is your favorite thing to do when you play GTA V Online

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The first thing I do is attack the cops. Then after I get five stars which doesn't take long. I then run away from the cops while killing them at the same time. If I am able to then I will try and rob some stores.

After that I try to hide out from them and lose the stars.


Active Member
That's interesting because I know a lot of people that prefer to play the game with a wanted level of some sort to make it more if a challenge, but if always been the opposite. I do all I can NOT to get a 5 star wanted level.


New Member
The thing about GTA Online is the fact that you can do so much and it is with other people. You can do what you are in the mood for. After a long day at work you can go and shoot people and get the cops chasing you and try to shoot them all and beat them, even though you know at some point they will call in a chopper that will mow you down. Tip: Hiding under a bridge or something will get rid of it for some reason :p You can also play tennis, arm wrestling etc which is really good if you just want to relax.

My favourite thing personally is bicycle racing, its really fun and entertaining :)


New Member
I love messing with people and doing fun things especially heists and little minigames such as Last Team Standing. I also love buying houses and how you can actually go in the house and just mess around. One thing I recommend they adding is No Cops Setting because some cops can be a real pain in the buttocks.


New Member
What you want to do is get a group of friends together, more than 3 but less than 6, then you get a random playlist from the Rockstar SocialClub and all you do is play that playlist. The reactions you get from the playlist are priceless since really unexpected things can happen.


New Member
The cheats which allow you to be invincible and shoot in slow motion are great - GTA IV didn't have those. Also robbing stores and trying to evade your wanted level is a lot of fun.


New Member
I like to socialize with others, especially when it's about roleplaying, tbh. But I also like other things like doing the taxi missions with them, haha. It is a bit boring, but you can definitely simulate real life behaviour if that's what sparkles your interest.


New Member
getting in a group and getting a high wanted level is always fun! Seeing how long we can last whilst having each others backs.


New Member
Doing normal missions with friends or without. I just like the casualness of them. I haven't tried custom maps with friends yet. Have to convince some of my friends.


New Member
Sounds stupid, but every time I log onto GTA Online, the first thing I do is drive down to the military air-base and steal a jet. I could probably do this in singleplayer, but I usually do it on Online instead. I find it so fun and thrilling to fly that thing down the city. Other than that, when I'm with friends, we usually do heists together.


New Member
Heists are my favorite, but without a party they're out of the question. So when I'm solo online I usually host races, in any of the lower classes. Occasionally I'll do a survival, if neither of those free-roam with bad intentions.


Active Member
Heists I think are everyone's favourite part of GTA online but as you say, f you're not playing with others, or maybe more importantly, playing with others that you trust, they can be frustrating and a waste of time.

I'm sure we've all got far into one of the heists only for a player to disconnect or quit, forcing us also to quit aswell.


New Member
There's really so much to do, that it's overwhelming sometime. Some of my favorites are races though. I love racing against my friends, especially with agreed upon rules, like trying not to wipe each other out. Then whoever is the fastest is the winner, and it can be really fun. There's also brawling with your friends that can be quite fun. Fighting it out in CQC with fists or bats can be hilarious. And finally, helicopter/air battles. Trying to take each other out with helicopters, but not even with the guns, just the blades, can be super fun and entertaining.


Active Member
I like the different challenges that happen and I like trying to get the top place in them, that's my favourite thing to do. I also like the gang attacks but I wouldn't really call them my favourite thing to do.


Active Member
There's lots of things to do both online and offline in the GTA game series, and I think that's what makes Rockstar so unique as all of their games are like that.

Take Red Ded Redemption for example, and that was the same with there being a number of different challenges and things to do, outside of the main storyline itself.
I just like to do various jobs, races and missions. Rockstar have been releasing these cool new adversary modes every couple of weeks so I tend to try them out for a while when they come out. They are fun to play around with and they also tend to have double cash and RP which is a huge bonus for everyone


New Member
I think that this more or less just depends on what sort of mood that I am in, because some times I just want to shoot everything but then other times I feel like driving around and being nice for change.


Active Member
I think that this more or less just depends on what sort of mood that I am in, because some times I just want to shoot everything but then other times I feel like driving around and being nice for change.

It sounds odd, playing a game like GTA when you're in a 'nice' mood, but I know exactly what you mean. Some days, depending on my mood I do tend to play in a more relaxed fashion as well. I'll only shoot people that target me. I'll try and not run anybody off the roads and try and create as little damage as possible rather than the opposite.

That's one of the good things about GTA and open world games. You can do pretty much whatever you want, and play the game in any way that suits you on any given day.