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What is your favorite thing to do when you play GTA V Online

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New Member
What is the first thing you do with your custom created GTA V character once you hop online?
The first thing I do is begin fighting random civilians to see how long it takes the police to respond to the disturbace I am causing in the streets. Once the police show up I begin shooting at the first GTA police man on the scene until more police show up. I flee to a store nearby and find a nice comfortable hide out spot where is difficult for any cops to sneek up behind me. I then have a full out shoot out with the police. I do this for as long as I can or until my GTA character gets shot. One time I litterally lasted for an hour and a half killing police at a hide out spot (The liquor store) lol. After my character gets wasted and respawns I start playing the game as normal complating missions.


New Member
I love getting in my fastest car, getting a 5 star wanted level, and then driving round the entire island on the big highway and try to survive. It is a lot of fun!
I usually drive around in my Coquette and find people to mess around with. Most of the time this turns into me finding someone that kills me and then having a deathmatch until more people start to join in and it turns into a war. Can't say it's anything surprising in a GTA game to be honest. Once in a while I do find people to mess around with and it's tons of fun though.


New Member
Well in my opinion, online with friends is the best. You can just run around, doing whatever the hell you want! I like to grab jets and stuff from the military base and see who survives.


New Member
I like to get the jet from the military base and fly on the city trying to get people on the ground (the rare times I can actually manage to steal the jet). This when I'm bored. Most of the times I enjoy playing coop missions especially when I find a good team.


I pick fights with the police and try to have a huge shootout with the cops in a building or alleyway. This this really fun with multiple people.


New Member
I love to start by stealing cars and start crushing everyone on the street and make big accidents with other cars, and start making STUNTS but only with a Motorcycle (Which is my favorite thing to do the most) at the beginning of my online GTA!!


New Member
Well a lot of things can be fun with friends online! One of my favorites is to go to the military base, steal a jet, and try to get away with it. It's kinda hard, but doable. If you escape, then you can just blow everyone up.


New Member
I enjoy playing online on my PC. There are so many mods and much wider player based online and you can choose servers that you would like to do certain things in.


New Member
I've done ALOT of just roaming around and racing with friends. I also had a period where all I did was to do the mission "Coveted" for really, really quick money. I think they removed it though, the bastards.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
The amount of random things that can happen. I mean, one minute you can be fighting a guy tank vs tank, and the next minute you're both chasing down a common enemy, or doing a mission together. It may be rare, but I have made friends out of enemies before, and we've become good friends. I joined a crew, and the shenanigans we got up to were extreme and fun. Crews are, other than friends of course, the best way to have fun.


I do bounty a lot. Or do some missions with friends. And messing around with the cops, I don't like to mess with the other people but if they mess with me, I'll kick their as*es.


New Member
Probably grief other online players in the world for fun, to see if they put up a fight or just leave like little crybabies. If you're a wanted target, a red dot, I will hunt you down and murder you and claim that bounty. It's what I do. IF you don't, I'll kill you at your mission for fun while repeatedly driving over your corpse and honking my horn happily.

Did I mention Golf? Golf, Swag.


Active Member
Explore other places with players. I like racing and that's why I always have a lot of racing cars.
I also like to play tennis and golf. Fun stuff!


Active Member
The first thing I normally do is rob a few of the stores, just to boost the cash up a bit. Then I'll do a few of the missions that pop up, especially if there's any new ones that pop up on the phone or ones I've not done for a while. After that though its mainly about the heist's now for me, seeing if me and a few friends can work our way through them.


New Member
STICKY BOMBS! Sticky bombs are the most fun thing in this entire game. When I just want to blow off some steam, I'll load up on 25 sticky bombs, go out and look for unsuspecting players who're rolling around in their custom rides and blow them through the roof.
I think I like to mess with cops the most. It's pretty funny when you have a gang of other players just ganging up on one guy!