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What is your favorite non racing game, where you have raced?

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I have not played that much of Saints Row, but I really love the arcady style of the driving of that game. TA is pretty kickass too.


Count me in for GTA again. Depends on the game, though. Some GTA games have different turning tightness. Like the driving in GTA IV, not my favorite. GTA V on the other hand has great handling IMO.
I am also going to hop on to the GTA train! The racing in GTA is unique and the way you can cause so much destruction and chaos is truly remarkable. And, trying to race while also trying to dodge traffic is surprisingly quite fun.


My favorite non racing game where i had raced would be GTA but you don't really race here in my opinion. It is cool if you use cheats and enable flying and you're so fast even on the road. Without that cheat racing isn't that cool even if you steal other cars they're all controled and you can't really go much faster as with other cars. My second non racing game would be Truck Simulator where i was driving like crazy all the way.


I guess mine would have to be GTA or Saints Row. How about you?

Yep, Grand Theft Auto gets my vote too! I remember the first time I ever played it at a friends house- I was instantly addicted and had to keep going back over there so I could play it all the time lol!


I think I'd have to go with GTA V. It has it's moments but for the most part it nailed the racing physics. They also released a new patch where the wings affected the traction on the vehicles.


Hasn't anyone played Crazy Taxi from Sega before. You never raced other drivers, you were racing against time to drop off fares. It was fun to drive off the streets and take short cuts. Anyone remembers that one?


I think I'd have to go with GTA V. It has it's moments but for the most part it nailed the racing physics. They also released a new patch where the wings affected the traction on the vehicles.
I agree, GTA has great driving physics (though not the ones about rolling over) for a game not about racing.


That would definitely be GTA. I haven't spent much time playing newer games (I did try GTA IV, but I didn't like it much), but I remember GTA San Andreas very well. There was a GTA SA craze, as I like to call it, a few years back, especially online with all those numerous mods and makeshift racing. I don't think there's a single person who hasn't tried the downhill drift at one point, for example.


Probably GTA. I like everything about it, I raced a lot of times in it and I also can't think of another non-race game where I raced and I liked it so much.


The ones that you've mentioned are kind of the ones I had in mind. Those are my two favorite action game franchises. I love how GTA tries to be semi-realistic while Saints Row tries to be wacky and crazy, and both of these games execute that well. I always loved racing and driving fast in both of these games, and I loved the customization of the cars that they have offered. Especially Saints Row 3 and 4, since I still haven't played GTA V. But, I'm guessing GTA V will be very good when it comes out on PC. Can't wait for that.


New Member
Yeah, it's GTA for me too. It has great physics and races are a lot of fun, and I think it's actually better than many racing games out there. Also, just driving around the map is sometimes fun. Another game where I liked driving around was Tomb Raider. Yeah, the physics weren't that good but I always like driving cars, or riding bikes and things like that in games, even if they're not real racing games.


GTA is nowhere near my list. It's going to be Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and 999 for the DS, both games are masterpieces and have the best game design I have ever seen in my life.
I guess GTA would have my vote too. Even though you can race in the game, the game is not totally centered on racing. That's why I love GTA because they blend some games into one. A racer, a shooter, an offroader, a flying game, and many others. You can part take in a multitude of activities in GTA.


New Member
I think that mine would actually have to be Rage. The races open up more vehicles to use on missions and what not. I found the racing to be interesting because you can shoot the people you are racing against xD
I love Saints' Row IV's racing.

It's not the typical, get a car and race against other people. You're just there by yourself, as you race against the clock to get the gold, as you make leaps and bounds across buildings.

I LOVE the free feeling that you get when you just let go and pull cars with you as you ran past. I love the absolute power that you feel when you just cause explosions and fires by just simply being too fast.


Well-Known Member
For me it's either GTA V or GTA Vice City (Them memories from my childhood).
Vice city was great for racing because the top cars handled very well. By the end of the game I was already so good at driving the top cars that I could dodge raffia and make turns so easily.


GTA V. The game really has some nice driving mechanics and me and my friends like to have some fun racing across the map.