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What is your favorite mafia family in Liberty City Stories?

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New Member
What is your favorite mafia family in Liberty City Stories?

Leones will always be my favorite, they're awesome!


The Leone Mafia family is my favorite because they are Italian-American and their official car is the Mafia Sentinel. :cool:


I'd like to the say The Leones, but that just seems too obvious. I'll just toss out the Sindacco family due to their association with The Leones.


That's not even a question, its the Leones, I also love their cars made the Sindacos car look like a soccer mom station wagon lol.


New Member
The Leones did fit the part of the Mafia perfectly with the family ties and drama in between.
I liked the Sindacco Mafia mainly because of their name. It actually sounds really funny, but they were quite the serious guys! Their suits really looked cool, clean and cool. But the thing that I didn't like about them was their car. It's white like their suits, but I just didn't like the style of the car. I liked the Leone's car though. Their car was really fast, whereas the Sindacco's were really slow..

Thomas Hall

New Member
The Leone family was the best one, there was Frank Vincent as Sal who was wise, and a friendly guy. The family, was handled well and wealthy and confident and also, did not get into blind rage and thought about each action it did. I liked the Mercedes cars they had which the family owns.