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New Member
My boyfriend actually made me start playing Grand Theft Auto. I used to watch my brother play the game when I was younger and I never got to play it, so I didn't really understand it. Now that I have played it I definitely realize why so many people play it. I liked entering the cheat codes and playing with unlimited weapons.
A demo disc with GTA 2 I got from my cousin when I was younger. It was an absolute blast, and when GTA 3 came out and it was in 3D, I remember being so amazed, that my mind was instantly blown. I wish I could feel the same way I felt when I popped GTA 3 in for the first time...


New Member
It was given to me as a birthday gift and since I like open world games, I got into playing it. It was a great place to goof around and pretend I was in my own world whenever I got tired of the real world.
I played the original a long time ago. My son and his friend kept me in the loop, through the series. I bought V several months back, and watched my son play for a few weeks before I realized how large the map was. When I started playing, I became hooked. I don't play story mode or online. I just enjoy the free range style, and I can play for hours at a time!
Back when GTAIII was released my cousins came over for a visit and had the game. I started playing it and was instantly hooked. Back then that game was something so new compared to every other game I had played. I can't say I became the biggest GTA fan, but I certainly pay attention when there's a new one in the horizon.


New Member
Playing Vice City at my friend's house. I didn't even do the missions. I just drove around and shot at people. Then, I bought San Andreas for myself a while later, and fell in love with the series.


New Member
HOnestly, played the first and second gta when I was little. Vice city became a game I really liked and gta 4 was fun because of friends.


New Member
The first PlayStation game I ever played was GTA 2 back on the original PS. I was a whole lot younger and never actually did missions but I fell in love with randomly driving around running people over and causing havoc. It was a blast! I didn't actually complete a GTA game until Vice City came out on PS2, that one is probably still my favorite if only because of the music.


New Member
Well, I really like cars and bikes, so I tried most games that let you drive or ride. But GTA is also quite funny in the way it's made and those radio stations really crack me up sometimes.


New Member
I don't even remember. I think I played it at a cousins house or something. I also remember playing the game on my PSP (GTA: Vice City). But after that I most likely just got really into it and bought the game for my PS2/Ps3/Xbox, whichever one it was and played the crap out of it.


New Member
I liked the idea of being able to do what you like to do. It was a game that was open world and I had not ever experienced that before. I liked the idea of it and had a look at GTA. Now you really can do whatever you want, yiu can go found shooting people, or get a mod that lets you go to school and get a job etc.


New Member
I can remember the very first, top-down GTA for PS1. It changed the game. The graphics weren't anything special but the freedom to explore a seemingly infinite city, running people over and shooting away, was just incredible. Of course there was a massive outcry and uproar when it was released which just made you want to play it even more.

Then they broke the mould again with GTA3 on PS2. Everything you loved about GTA - but in a fully realised, atmospheric 3D world. Been hooked on the saga ever since.


New Member
I loved the freedom you have in this game. You can simply do whatever you want, without anyone stopping you. Well, police isn't that much of an influence, right? You can just go on the street, kill 3 guys and take their money, then get the police to chase you. That's just like in Real Life, right?


New Member
The very first GTA for the PS1 was the main reason me and my brother bought a PS1.
We loved the feeling of freedom and (at the time) felt like you were in a real world.

GTA2 just built on that with a bit more interesting concept with gangs.

The first GTA3 title I played was GTA:SA: AMAZING! But unfortunately, kind of ruined the previous 2 (GTA3 & GTA:VC) as there wasn't as much going on.

The hype around how naughty it was back in the mid 90s made me aware of it, the execution of their ideas is what keeps me coming back :)
The PS2 game Simpsons: Hit and Run actually got me curious enough to play GTA. It was inspired by GTA, but as a kid I really loved the Simpsons, so I played it. It was a really toned down version, but I enjoyed it enough to actually play San Andreas (which was the biggest at the time) and absolutely fell in love with it. Then I went back to older games of GTA, waited for GTA 4, then played each and every single one, all enjoying the story and the violence. Mostly the violence though :D

Thomas Hall

New Member
I remember in 2003 I saw my friend playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City and how it seemed like Scarface at times as Tommy has to earn money, and also fight off gangs and also his friend Sonny in the process as well. I liked how you could drive a tank around and also, the missions were exciting and made you want to stay tuned and remember the taxi missions where the driver would sometimes be the one who needs a lift or trying to take it away from you and you could earn money fast that way in the game. I would usually take a drive around and also do a shootout with gangs in the game like the Jamaican people who would attack you if you got close to them and would escape from them.


New Member
Actually I had some thoughts of Grand theft auto games when I hadn't yet played them that it is completely stupid game but after a friend of mine recommended me playing Vice City I was completely addicted to this certain game series. After San Andreas was released I practically didn't do anything else than play it.


Active Member
I remember playing one of the original GTA games for the original playstation. I only played it briefly and didn't really get into it. Not until Vice City did I really get into the GTA series.


New Member
My older cousin told me about and then eventually when I visited him I got to play the game and see for myself it was real. At the time, it seemed like nonsense because I had a bunch of games and even the nastiest ones you couldn't create that much destruction. Since I've always been into destroying whole cities and it's innocent people for fun, it was just meant to be, once I found GTA I was hooked.