Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you think of the "non-contact" feature in races?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
My friends always have it on, but in my opinion, not being able to hit your opponents and make them skid out of control makes races kind of boring, and a lot less realistic. What do you guys think?


I like it. Too many people's first instinct in a race is to just ram the next guy. It's just a jerk move. I get accidents happen but when you're actively trying to just ram the next guy off the rode screw you and your idea of racing. If I wanted to just be smashed into I'd play twisted metal. It's a race not a ram everyone off the road. I love the no contact option. I just wish more people turned it on.


Active Member
All of the fun comes from GTA Races, so the more contact and mayhem, the better. It's a nice option to have when you want to have a straight race, sure.


Well-Known Member
If they included the feature then I'm guessing it's necessary but I myself prefer to just keep it free as much as possible. I'd only use it if I really was very serious about the race.


My friends always have it on, but in my opinion, not being able to hit your opponents and make them skid out of control makes races kind of boring, and a lot less realistic. What do you guys think?
You're style of racing is literally the reason non-contact was put in the game. I absolutely hate racers who love to ram you off the track because they want to win. If someone hits me don't be surprised if I hit them back.


It's a good thing it's feature which you can choose to turn of and on. Some players seem to like it a lot to be able to hit others while others seem to detest the fact that you can get hit. I think that most players still prefer to play without the no - contact mode and just try to avoid accidents to happen.


I like because it really protects me but when it comes to me being able to hit them then I really do not like it. I really think that it should not be in the game because I like to race and be able to hit my opponents and make them lose control.


I'm serious about racing, I play simulation games like Forza. I don't find it dun to hit people, and I try not most of the time, to unless it's a GTA Race. Non-contact is a favourite of mine since I can avoid all of you bastards out to hit everyone, and it becomes a race of skill if it's a legitimate track.