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What Do You Think Of Lohan's GTA V Lawsuit?

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I saw a meme today on Pinterest that showed a picture of Trevor Phillips and it basically said that Lindsey Lohan looks like someone in the game all right, but NOT one of the female characters.


Well-Known Member
I agree the blonde does look more like Kate Upton. Lohan probably just wants a little attention.
This is most likely the case. She hasn't been that popular recently and this has made her name get back on to the news again. I'm not saying this was a personal decision, it could just as well be a suggestion of her team.


She wants attention, simple as that. At this point she would do anything to get back into the public. Although, I'm still waiting for that sex tape, it's just a matter of time.
She was just trying to get attention at the time. Lindsay Lohan isn't relevant anymore, and she's trying everything she can to be in the spotlight again. It was a dumb lawsuit done purely for publicity.


I read that Rockstar is fighting back ,saying that her lawsuit is frivolous and they're not going to settle with her. I think that this sets a good example because it warns other people who might be thinking of suing them that Rockstar doesn't roll over and pay for frivolous lawsuits.