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What Do You Think Of Lohan's GTA V Lawsuit?

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Celebrity trainwreck Lindsay Lohan has a lawsuit going against Rockstar because she thinks that the beautiful blonde on the game cover is supposed to be her, and she also thinks that the blonde celebrity in one of the missions in the game is also her.

It's pretty sad that in her mind she thinks she looks that good.


Thomas Hall

New Member
I think it is not right, she is suing since they used a different actress to model the character in the game and not her although looks similar to her. She would not win the lawsuit, as rockstar did not try to use her image in the game or try to make the character like her in any way as a model did the scenes that were needed and may be similar. Rockstar will win, I reckon as they would have proof they did not use her likeness in game, and she would have to have evidence they did try to profit off her image in the game. I wander how long this will go on for, and could go on for years and months even as it looks like she is intending to make some money from this case.


With all the time and energy that she is wasting on trying to get Rockstar's money, she could be doing acting work and making her own money.
So many people tried to help that girl. Charlie Sheen gave her money to pay her taxes so she wouldn't go to jail and she didn't even thank him.
A home decorating show on Bravo gave her $25,000 of free furniture just to show her face on the show and say how much she liked the home makeover. She refused to show her face on the show, so they sent her a bill for the furniture.


Active Member
Yeah that 2D girl looks way hotter than Lindsay Lohan. Honestly I don't think she has much of a case, since most works of fiction typically bear the clause, "Any resemblance to other character real of fictional is purely coincidental".

Hope that ***** doesn't get a single cent, maybe even gets countersued for slander.


I really do not think that it makes any sense and to me I think that it is really sad to see where Lohan's life has reached I mean I really think that she had so much potential to be something in life and right now the more that I see of her the more that I see that she is seriously a wreck and I just hope that she is able to get her life together soon


Well-Known Member
I don't think she has a chance. This game has been paying homage to a lot of different pop culture icons including one of the most recognizable movies of all time, Scarface, and they never did anything against this game, so even if it was based off of her I don't see what claim she could put forth to make her side seem right.


The crazy thing is it looks nothing like her. Heck, I would say it looks more like that iJustine girl then anything else. She has no case and will be laughed out of the court.


New Member
I don't think she has a chance at this law suit just because the girl on the game looks similar to her is not grounds for a lawsuit in my opinion. And really to me they do not look that much a like the girl in the game is actually pretty.
The girl looks more like Kate Upton first of all. And I think that she's only doing it for publicity. It's pretty obvious. But she might win as she has clear evidence. Kinda.


Active Member
The girl looks more like Kate Upton first of all. And I think that she's only doing it for publicity. It's pretty obvious. But she might win as she has clear evidence. Kinda.

I felt that I vaguely knew who the girl resembled but couldn't remember the name. Definitely Kate Upton is a better match, perhaps due to her sizes :p


Is that what she's suing for? I agree with everyone; that doesn't look like her at all.
She's suing over 2 things. She thinks that the pretty blonde girl flashing the peace sign is her, and she thinks that the Hollywood starlet that you drive around in the game to avoid the paparazzi is her. Except that the starlet driving away from the paparazzi could be based on anyone, from Amanda Bynes to Miley Cyrus.


The blonde character definitely looks a lot like Kate much. Lohan needs to get over herself.


I agree she does look like Kate Upton, Lohan needs to get over herself for real.
The resemblance is so uncanny, it has to be intentional. Seriously, just look at the pictures. God, when did Lindsay Lohan get such an inflated ego? Probably around the same time she became a leathery, drugged up alcoholic that's trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered career.
haha this is so funny. as gta states, they have no affiliation with real world companies or people! it is painfuly pointed towards her. she kind of deserves it though


It's pretty ridiculous. Sadly they will probably settle on some low amount because it would be cheaper than going to court, same thing happened with the E-trade suit.

She is acting like she owns the image of a blonde making a peace sign and taking a selfie, it's absolutely ridiculous.


I just read all about the E Trade lawsuit. So basically, Lohan's new career is just suing various companies and that's how she supports herself.
She should stop calling herself an actress and just call herself a professional plaintiff.


I think she's reaching. Maybe I'm just blind but the girl doesn't really look that much like her. In addition GTA makes fun of countless celebrities. It's similar to celebrities who get upset with South Park. At a certain point you've reached a point where you can be parodied and have to get over it as long as it's not your personal life. But like I said, she's reaching. GTA V didn't even make fun of her. She saw a poster and said "Ehh, that kind of looks like me."


Well-Known Member
The blonde character definitely looks a lot like Kate much. Lohan needs to get over herself.
I think this pretty much debunks Lohan's claim. I've never even heard of this girl before but now that I see it I think it's undeniable that it's her. Why isn't she the one using instead?