Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you prefer ? Manual transmission or automatic?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Unfortunately, in Ride 2, the manual gear shifting just isn't set up all that well. The automatic shifting, however, is better than real life. For me, this is one of the major flaws of the game. Half the challenge in racing is knowing how to operate the vehicle and executing those operations thoughtfully. In a system set up to mimic real-life conditions, this would allow you to attain total mastery of the track with practice. Sadly, Ride 2 either just hands you that master via automatic shifting, or hobbles you with the manual.
I have noticed that as well, the manual gear shifting is definitely not right.
Yes, I am really surprised that why people choose the manual as it is too difficult and it feels so stupid to keep an eye on shifting the gears.
I agree with you. Automatic transmission is so much better than the manual one. They are just making their lives harder when they choose the manual transmission.


I've definitely preferred manual transmission in all the games I've played, that had the option. It does make the game more difficult, but I like the challenge anyway, and I think it's more immersive.


New Member
Usually, I go with automatic transmission at first, and then shift to the manual (get it? shift?). It takes me time to make myself familiar with the manual transmission mechanics of the game. But in Ride 2, I'll admit, the manual transmission is horrendous. I tried it but couldn't get it to work, so I only played with automatic. The automatic transmission is good in Ride 2, but I just prefer manual in racing games overall.


New Member
I don't have a problem with both kind of gear transmission but if it is about preference then I would love to chose the manual transmission as it gives me the freedom to shift the gear at my favourite rpm level. I love to the manual transmission in real life too.


How the heck is it more easy to control ? It's just one more thing the player has to worry about, instead of the game doing it automatically.


Active Member
I am not biased towards either transmission because both have their purposes but if I had to choose, I would go with the manual transmission because it gives players the opportunity to time their gear shifts to perfection. My prior experience with transmissions in other racing games as well as in real-life demonstrates that racing with an automatic transmission puts the driver at a disadvantage when trying to accelerate out of corners or slowing down to negotiate a corner as the automatic transmission will not make the optimal gear changes in time. This results in losing precious seconds in a race and it does affect where you will finish in a race.


Yeah that's true. I remember drag races in NFS Most Wanted forcing the player to use manual transmission, and since I never used it before in-game I pretty much had to skip all of them.


New Member
Yeah that's true. I remember drag races in NFS Most Wanted forcing the player to use manual transmission, and since I never used it before in-game I pretty much had to skip all of them.
I remember those! They were pretty easy in the first few blacklist members but really got hard in the upper ones


Active Member
Yeah that's true. I remember drag races in NFS Most Wanted forcing the player to use manual transmission, and since I never used it before in-game I pretty much had to skip all of them.
Funny enough I usually played Most Wanted with the manual transmission because of some those tricky turns. NFS Most Wanted is still a game I play every now and then when I am extremely bored. My favorite car was the Mazda RX-8 - I just liked its sleek curves and simplicity.


I preferred using manual transmission too. So it feels like I'm really the driver or controller. I can change the Rpm any time I feel to change it. When driving in automatic I feel bored just stiring the wheel.


I remember those! They were pretty easy in the first few blacklist members but really got hard in the upper ones
I wouldn't know. I never learned how to do them properly so, as I said, I'm pretty sure I had to skip all of them :D.


I hardly ever failed any races in Most Wanted. I was the Michael Schumacher of Most Wanted - I destroyed everyone.
It's not really the regular races that were hard. It's the high level police chases. The end game one was just ridiculous.


Active Member
It's not really the regular races that were hard. It's the high level police chases. The end game one was just ridiculous.
It's true that the end-game police chases were crazy. These police chases sometimes lasted for hours. The frustrating part is when you fail after so many hours and have to start all over again.:(:(:(


It's true that the end-game police chases were crazy. These police chases sometimes lasted for hours. The frustrating part is when you fail after so many hours and have to start all over again.:(:(:(
The last one just enraged me. IIRC you had to evade the police for a set amount of time, after which you could escape. But considering how high the "heat" level was, I found it tough just surviving for a couple of minutes. I don't want to do that ever again :mad: