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What Do You Do With Your Old Consoles?

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Well-Known Member
I magically just lost every old console I ever had. I think my parents give them away as soon as I start completely ignoring them, which kind of is a bummer because I'd love to be able to pick them up now and play with them, and would rather have just played on my old one rather than some other random person's used goods. I'm determined to keep my PS3 this time around especially because this one I actually paid for.
That sucks. I don't know if forgiveness would come easy if my parents did that. I've kept every one of my older consoles: PS1, PS2, and Wii. The Wii isn't really old, but I haven't played it in well over a year.


New Member
I still have all my old systems. I have my Atari, original Nintendo, Sega, PS1/2/3, a Wii, Gameboy and a PSP. Most don't get used, the PS3 is almost always on between games, youtube and netflix...mostly my kids watching minecraft clips on youtube. My son is addicted to that game. Anyway, I'm really happy my grandparents (they raised me) never sold my systems on me. They still work, so I'd like to pass them on to my kids when they're old enough.


Just like anything I'm done with, I sold them. The way I think of it there's no point having them around if I'm not using them and haven't for a significant amount of time, I understand the whole retro/nostalgia factor but I'm not going to let them gather dust for nothing. Especially if there's another gamer out there who will get even more enjoyment and usage out of them than me.


New Member
I still play with my old consoles, because some of the games I play are awesome, and I like to play them the old fashioned way, playing them on their original consoles. I don't sell them because the current console I have doesn't have backwards compatibility.


Well-Known Member
That sucks. I don't know if forgiveness would come easy if my parents did that. I've kept every one of my older consoles: PS1, PS2, and Wii. The Wii isn't really old, but I haven't played it in well over a year.
I did kinda feel bad, but to be fair, I'm not really that much attached to my things anyway, and they were only trying to spread the love and joy to some other people because they come from a different time when people still did that, I guess. Thank you for empathizing, though, as even though I put on a brave face, it does kind of suck sometimes that I can't just randomly bust out my Sega and play my old games. :\


New Member
Whenever I'm done with a console I usually try and donate it to someone less fortunate but if no one wants it I'll try to sell it at Gamestop. I know what you are talking about though, sometimes I'll go looking for one of my old consoles and it just won't be there. Makes me think there is some sort of console gnome thief .

Racer X

I lost a few(as in no one in my family has a clue what happened to them), one got stolen, one I traded in to Best Buy.. but I kept some. I'd've liked to keep all of them for nostalgia's sake, but things happen.


I keep most of them. I don't really think i could get fair value for most of my old systems anyway. I would hate to sell it for only a little bit of money.


I still kept my old N64, Gamecube, Wii and PS2. I love modding old consoles to run pirated games or even linux.


I still have some of my old consoles. I have plain nintendo, sega genesis, super nintendo, nintendo 64, and my dreamcast I think. I still play nintendo and sega with my 8 year old from time to time. There's so much sentimental value there that I could never bring myself to part with them.


New Member
Ours were kept in storage for quite a while and now I have no idea where they ended up.

We don't really use our Xbox or Wii anymore for games, but we do still use them for our streaming services. Otherwise, I have no idea what I would do with them! We may get rid of the Wii when we get around to buying a PS4.


I keep em hooked up and occasionally play em. I don't see the need to get rid of them I think that is a rather silly notion that the PS3/360 Era thought was ok to do. Personally, I play my PS2/Dreamcast and PC more then my 360 because of the fact 360/ps3's have a horribly bad failure rate and I tend to like my things lasting longer then a year or two thanks.


I sell my old consoles to fund my new ones. I would keep them but tbh, I don't think I actually would ever go back to them and have a play.

Ghost Rider

I have a lot of old stuff lying around in the house. That includes my old consoles - the NES, the PS1, N64, and PS2. I have sold some of my old consoles too - my Dreamcast (which I regret up to this day) and my Xbox. Still, I like it more when I hold on to my old stuff. There are a lot of memories stored in them that is very hard to let go.


I sell my old consoles to fund my new ones. I would keep them but tbh, I don't think I actually would ever go back to them and have a play.
That makes me sad. Why don't you.. save money? I hate buying something and then selling it. It's quite pointless.
I used to keep them as long as I could, but they ended up using too much space. I also had financial issues when I had the most consoles, so I had to sell them for the extra money. Now, I'll keep them for as long as they're useful. If I find I won't go back and play them, then I won't keep them.
I usually save my old consoles unless there is someone that wants to do business with me, and then if that is the case I will try to trade my games or sell them to some how wants them. Other than that I usually save all my games.


Some of my old systems are still hooked up. All my Playstation systems and my Dreamcast for example are still hooked to my television. But of course, there are some that are just too old to be bothered to keep hooked lik my Atari or NES.