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What Do You Do With Your Old Consoles?

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Well-Known Member
Some of my old systems are still hooked up. All my Playstation systems and my Dreamcast for example are still hooked to my television. But of course, there are some that are just too old to be bothered to keep hooked lik my Atari or NES.
I envy you! I wish I still had my old consoles set up, and I agree, I think Atari is just too outdated that it will probably only collect dust even if I did have it set up. I'd still definitely consider having the NES connected if I had it though.


I would never give away my ps2, because it has so much sentimental value. I don't use it, and it's pretty much in my house just to collect dust. I remember playing games, and how I thought it looked so realistic. It was simpler times, same thing will happens to my ps3 in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep the original boxes with them. People are paying top dollar for old nintendo consoles with the original boxes and manuals.
Agreed. I never would have known back then that these games would be this collectible and this much sought after as they are now. I've seen a few titles go for crazy amounts, and they aren't even good games.


New Member
I still play my Nintendo 64! It was the first system I ever got-- my dad bought us one, with Mario Kart and the gas pedal/steering wheel controllers (which I of course promptly broke) and we played with it for ages. We ignored it for a few years after the Gamecube came out, but over the past few years I've really gotten back into it. I think the reason it's so important to me is mainly for nostalgic reasons, but I won't let that stop me from playing all the same games I've loved for the past 15 years!

However, that being said, I do know some people who can turn their old consoles into really awesome stuff-- one friend of mine is a whiz with audio technology, and taught himself to wire up the soundcard of his super nintendo as an analog synthesizer with midi capabilities, which I've always thought was just the coolest idea.


Well-Known Member
I still play my Nintendo 64! It was the first system I ever got-- my dad bought us one, with Mario Kart and the gas pedal/steering wheel controllers (which I of course promptly broke) and we played with it for ages. We ignored it for a few years after the Gamecube came out, but over the past few years I've really gotten back into it. I think the reason it's so important to me is mainly for nostalgic reasons, but I won't let that stop me from playing all the same games I've loved for the past 15 years!

However, that being said, I do know some people who can turn their old consoles into really awesome stuff-- one friend of mine is a whiz with audio technology, and taught himself to wire up the soundcard of his super nintendo as an analog synthesizer with midi capabilities, which I've always thought was just the coolest idea.
Impressive! I know what you mean, and I really envy these people who understand and can manipulate electronics. I wish I could do the same for old consoles, as I often look up modifications people are doing with retro consoles online. I've seen a lot of old consoles getting turned into portable ones and I like those the best.


I still keep them. Sometimes if I am feeling nostalgia, I will get them from the box and play some classic games. And as stated before, it could be a potential goal mine in the future! You know how some people love collecting old game console? I am banking on that :) Although I am not really sure if I will be willing to sell it in the future though, I just love them too much.


I am a console collector apparently as I have the SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, PS2, PS3, and Xbox 360 along with most of the handhelds. So yeah - I would have a fit if all of a suddenly those consoles and such were to "disappear".


I am a console collector apparently as I have the SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, PS2, PS3, and Xbox 360 along with most of the handhelds. So yeah - I would have a fit if all of a suddenly those consoles and such were to "disappear".
Man, you could put them on display on a shelve or something. They can be like some sort of "Wall of Fame" or "Shelve of Fame" where you display your pride and passion to everyone. Take good care of all your consoles man, give them a mop or clean up once in a while because too much dust might affect a console's functionality.


I gave my consoles away, too. Bud I did that on my own purpose. Today I regret it. Gave away my GBA, PS1 and PS2, as well as my GameCube. I loved the PS2 and the GBA and would play with them today if I would still have them.
Depends which console we are talking about. I sold my Wii as soon as it became obsolete in my eyes (very quickly), but I still have my PS2 because of the memories that come along with it. Games like Ratchet and Clank, NFS Underground 2, and Midnight Club 3 defined my childhood and I can't imagine having to part with them. My dad has tried to get rid of the PS2 multiple times but I've stopped him (hallelujah!).


Man, you could put them on display on a shelve or something. They can be like some sort of "Wall of Fame" or "Shelve of Fame" where you display your pride and passion to everyone. Take good care of all your consoles man, give them a mop or clean up once in a while because too much dust might affect a console's functionality.

I build them a special cabinet around the time I started to periodically comb through my games for purges. I have to otherwise the whole house because a storage warehouse for game after game after game - right now I'm hardly buying and I have over 50 just laying about being lazy or whatever you'd call inanimate objects as such... Yes.


New Member
I keep all my old consoles, as I always do like going back to play some of my favourite games. When you own a lot of consoles and games in the way that I do, storing them is another matter! Still, I wouldn't part with them for the world.


I don't have them now. I don't even know what happened to them! May be my parents threw it away with other junks.


New Member
My old consoles just lay around in the closet and collect dust.

But old gaming systems still have some value to them.. before you just let them sit and catch all the dust in the house, if you don't want to play them anymore research on how much you could possibly get out of them...

Especially alot of old lets say Playstation one games.. some of them (FF7.. etc) have great value to them. I sold my Final Fantasy 7 for over $35 at the mall recently.


I've managed to keep all of my old consoles. The only one I can't seem to find is the Sega Mega Drive (also known as Genesis). It doesn't bother me to much as the only games I do wish to play on them can easily be emulated, hell they can even be played on IOS so there's no point to have it. The rest sit in a box.


Most of my consoles are well kept. My younger brothers usually play with them when they are old enough to know how to play. I keep them for memories


Well-Known Member
save them! they'll be worth way more in 20 years then they would in a landfill!
Excellent point. I would love to have saved my old ones, and I am starting now but I'm afraid I could only start with the newer ones since I've already lost all my consoles from PS2 and below.