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What Are Your Favourite Driving Routes In GTA 5?

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New Member
There are many roads in GTA 5. Some of them are massive highways with traffic coming from every angle at any time of day and night while others are tiny dirt tracks which struggle to get any traffic whatever time it is.

This thread is for the discussion of the best driving routes that you have discovered while playing GTA 5. When posting, readers would be grateful if you could state the location of the route and what vehicle you have used so players can replicate that feeling of perfection when cruising around in Los Santos and Blaine County.


Active Member
I just drive whatever will make it up Chiliad for no particular reason. If you race friends up and down the mountain in different vehicles, then it gets pretty hilarious. There are a lot of vehicles that will just slide off the side of the mountain. It's a thrilling ride.


New Member
I like to drive around the urban/city areas. It has such a wonderful feeling especially with some good soft music playing as you do it. The best thing they did with this game was how alive they made it all seem. You almost believe you are driving through a real place.