Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
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New Member
It annoys me to no end that you can't totally replenish your life like it used to be in the old GTAs. Don't really like this system.


New Member
This is going to sound a bit weird but it annoys me how the didn't add dismemberment to the game.. Vice city was so fun how you could shoot somebody head off. Now they just kinda fall over :(


New Member
The thing that annoys me the most is all the glitches that the game seems to have now wish they would work on fixing them some, instead of worrying about if people are getting extra money in the game and stuff.


It annoys me how little heists we have available, there should be a whole lot more since they are the best feature of the game and we spend more time going into therapy with Michael than doing heists....


The thing that annoys me most only happens in single player. In GTA IV I hated how Nico would just go flying through the windshield if you hit something going too fast. In GTA V it still happens. The worst part is it's an automatic death now. I can be chasing someone down for a mission, hit a car & be expelled 40 miles down the road just to fail the mission. Has anyone in Los Santos ever heard of a seatbselt?


New Member
The health system is pretty annoying to me, as well as how stores close if you are wanted. I would drive up to a store and accidently bump into a pedestrian or cop, and they would start shooting. And now the doors are locked.


It annoys me that all of the missions in the game were not heists. To me I that the thing in the game that made it so fun were the heists and there were only a few of them to do.


New Member
When I have passive mode on, and people take it upon themselves to do every thing they can to try and kill me. I cannot stand being run over. Trying to get back up only to be knocked down immediately gets frustrating after a while LOL. It does usually end up becoming a fun game of "you can't get me!"


Active Member
This is going to sound a bit weird but it annoys me how the didn't add dismemberment to the game.. Vice city was so fun how you could shoot somebody head off. Now they just kinda fall over :(

I mean, what are you expecting to happen? If you take a gun and shoot someone in the face, their head won't just explode and disappear from their body. It's supposed to be a semi-realistic game.


New Member
How annoying the online community is. I can't believe (I know right?) how many immature players plague the online servers. Thankfully they are doing something about it now and that population is dwindling so I guess we'll wait and see.


Active Member
I also have to say the online players can be pathetic to be honest. It's got to the point now where if I want to play online and theirs none of my friends active, I'll either not bother or just go onto it in solo game mode. The jobs and activities are restricted but you can still do a fair bit to increase your bank balance.

At least that way your able to complete the missions aswell, instead of getting kicked out half way through because your doing better than the host.


New Member
As strange as this is, there is a small, small thing that annoys me in GTA V. As insignificant as it is, it bothers me to no end. Whenever I bring a vehicle to a full stop, it moves, ever so slightly, almost sliding, one or two pixels to either side, and it just looks so unnatural. The vehicle moves, changes positions, sliding slightly, after being stopped, and it just ruins it for me. Weird, I know.


Active Member
It's annoying that we don't have a lot of heists and also the fact that a small portion of the online community is down right atrocious. It makes the game not enjoyable anymore.


New Member
Players on GTA V pc that keep instakilling every player on the session. Why the hell do they even 'play' GTA? Luckily it's only a handful, but it completely ruins the entire session for like 20 people.


New Member
Weapons enabled in races, it's not that I don't like it. It can just be infuriating from time to time especially when people use proximity mines on the tracks. Oh and also the heists with random people, they always leave and you never get to complete a heist.


Active Member
It's annoying when your getting chased by a gang shooting at you, or you're trying to take down one of these money trucks and while you start shooting a scared citizen runs you over while trying to get away. You don't die immediately, but it feels like forever the time it takes for your character to get back to his feet, all the while being shot at.

Very annoying.
I hate that every single race in Online is only goddamned Sports cars. Either that, or I absolutely LOATHE the long waiting time to get into a damned race or deathmatch.


New Member
The only thing that annoyed me in all GTA games was the fact that whenever I tried to speed up on roads I could easily dodge all the cars, but when I was to take a turn, despite the fact that I always turned perfectly, soon after there was ALWAYS a car that I bumped in, like it appeared out of nowhere. That's what I hate. This happens even if I'm playing as Franklin.