Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What about Ride 3?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


There is a similar thread right here, that claims Ride 3 is coming out in November 2018. I'll have to check out the date and more details just to be sure.


I have to agree, Ride 3 seems very promising. I hope people are not going to judge it before playing as I have seen in many cases.


I guess that's the plan for all of us. Of course I will still be busy with Fortnite with the new patch and all.
I know this is not the place to start praising Fortnite, but the new patch is f****** amazing. At least that will keep most of busy before Ride 3 is officially released.


You can't really trust online reviews at all. Most of those guys who right the reviews are paid to either make a positive or negative comment.
I guess you are right. Most of the reviews that are out here are just pure hate. Athough, I've come to find out that some are trustworthy.


I guess you are right. Most of the reviews that are out here are just pure hate. Athough, I've come to find out that some are trustworthy.
It's not just hate, some are paid to write good things about a game. The best thing is to play and experience a game for yourself.