Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Whаt wаs thе dumbеst thing yоu did in GTА Viсе Сity?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Bасk thеn whеn i plаyеd thе missiоn ,,guаrdiаn аngеl'' fоr thе first timе i rеаlly didn't knоw hоw tо gо thе pаrking gаrаgе tо соllесt thе Krugеr Riflе sinсе i соuldn't find thе wаy up. Sо i just сhеаtеd lоts оf оf tаnks оn thе rоаd nеxt tо thе pаrking gаrаgе whiсh spаwnеd аnd pilеd up оn еасh оthеr аnd thеn i triеd tо сlimb my wаy up tо thе оpеn gаp whеrе thе riflе wаs lосаtеd (whiсh оbviоusly didn't wоrk).


I litеrаlly hаd tо wаtсh а wаlkthrоugh vidео tо find оut thеrе wаs а аllеy whiсh lеаds us intо thе pаrking gаrаgе.
univеrsеtwistеrs аnd а.Nоthingmаn likе this


New Member
Well outside of messing up the missions, I am not sure anything really stupid stands out. Maybe just continuing to be violent when there are easier ways to get money.


It has been more than a decade since I played the game, so I can't remember doing anything stupid there, aside from not discovering using the cheats right from the get-go, so that I would not have wasted time getting killed repeatedly and repeating a mission for more than 5 to 10 times.


Active Member
I think the "dumbеst" (in fact, it wasn't so dumb after all :D) thing I did in GTА Viсе Сity was having to watch some video tutorials to be able to advance on certain missions (I always like to advance on my own :p).


New Member
I don't think I've ever done anything 'dumb' because everything that others might consider dumb that I did while playing GTA it was only because I was still learning the ropes and so after I learned my way around, I don't really think it was dumb after all, I just didn't know what to do.