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Using Cheats In Single Mode

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Do you guys use cheats when you are playing in single mode? So the other day I am playing GTA V and I entered some cheat codes in and I think that was the most fun that I have had in the game while free roaming. I like the explosive bullets and the invisibility. If you enter those two and you keep entering the one for invisibility you WILL have fun in that game for hours and hours.

Do you use cheat codes in the game? If so which ones do you find to be the best and the ones that you have the most fun with?


Active Member
There's no harm in using cheats for some mindless fun in single-player. I'll probably do it after I've cleared most of the missions in the main game.


Well-Known Member
I use cheats but only after I've already finished the game. Using them earlier would just spoil the experience for me since I know I could become invincible or have all weapons immediately.


Active Member
It's fun to throw on some cheats every once in awhile on single player. You can do some pretty crazy and hilarious things with them after all.


I use cheats for fun when I've already beaten the main game. I don't use cheats to beat a game. That would take all the challenge out of it.


I don't really use cheats while doing missions or anything (actually not sure if you even can) I juse use cheats while messing around while free roaming. For example, I love using that sky diving cheat.


Well-Known Member
I use cheats for fun when I've already beaten the main game. I don't use cheats to beat a game. That would take all the challenge out of it.
I agree. I think it would be a waste of money if you paid full price for a game only to ruin the experience by using cheats immediately. It's best to experience the game as it was intended first.
I don't think I ever used cheats in single player, but I don't look down upon those who do, and I don't think anyone should. It's just another fun way to pass the time, and if you have fun without destroying someone else's fun, it's alright in my book.


I use them very lightly and only for a car if needed. You can't use them too much because I heard that you wont get your trophies. I think that playing the game for a while and then using them is good, but if you like playing the game more with them then to each is own. Yeah what I have heard was that you won't get your trophies, but that is only if you care about trophies. I think that the cheats are fun because that limo is awesome haha. Hey have fun and keep playing. I love the game a lot.


I use them very lightly and only for a car if needed. You can't use them too much because I heard that you wont get your trophies. I think that playing the game for a while and then using them is good, but if you like playing the game more with them then to each is own. Yeah what I have heard was that you won't get your trophies, but that is only if you care about trophies. I think that the cheats are fun because that limo is awesome haha. Hey have fun and keep playing. I love the game a lot.

Oh yeah, if you use cheats, trophies are disabled. However, I really don't care about trophies so I just use cheats whenver I feel like it :p


To me using the cheats have been the most fun that I have had in the game. I just like when you have the explosive bullets and then you just blast people away. They do make the game a lot more fun for me.