Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

F1 2013 Unwanted steering assistance: Does it bother you too?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
It surely bothers me, it just removes the feeling of a complete simulator when somebody is assisting you. They should totally give the players the option to choose whether or not they want the assists. Maybe they just got lazy, or who knows.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I've noticed the assistance in the games I played, but I do appreciate it when the physics have some weight to it that tend to "fight back" as you steer. I think it makes the game a lot more realistic and makes it much more fun to play.


I do not like the F1 games but I must say that if you are going to enjoy a game, let there be not assistance from the game controls. What will be the essence of playing the game if you are assisted by the game itself?


Steering assistance is only required for new players. After you play a lot more racing games, steering assistance will become a joke for you :D.
I'd honestly rather not have any kind of steering assistance. I always turn it off as soon as I start up a racing game. It doesn't deter me from buying a game, but it can get annoying.


I like it because if they didn't have it then I would be crashing all over the place and never would have been able to complete a full lap. I think it helps you get along through the game, but they should make a version where you can turn it off and show your true skills.
it kinda ruins the immersion, since you are trying to roleplay as the driver, and yet the steering can sometimes be controlled by AI, so it will ruin the illusion that you are the driver in a race. It's really annoying when games do that, it's more of a hand-holding type of gameplay instead of just turning you loose and doing whatever you want in the game since, well, you kinda paid for it.


That is a good way of looking at it @OursIsTheFury - I paid for the game so let me do what I want with it. I get annoyed by these sorts of self correcting features that a lot of the games have these days, but then again I am probably overlooking the times when they help me and I utilize them, so it is fair to point that out too. I would rather just know that I am in complete control though, but maybe that is just me.


Well-Known Member
It's good when the steering wheel has a bit if fight and friction in it where it gives you a pushback for when you turn so you can really feel each movement but I think if it's done the other way around where it's helping you turn then it won't be as much fun.


I'm perfectly ok with some sort of steering assistance mechanic in a game as long as it's an option that the player can choose to turn on or off - If It's forced, than it's not so good of an idea.


Active Member
I would've loved an option to turn it on or off, otherwise it was always on and I hated the steering assistance. I didn't need it at all and it only made the game harder.


I would've loved an option to turn it on or off, otherwise it was always on and I hated the steering assistance. I didn't need it at all and it only made the game harder.

I certainly agree here, and it makes me wonder if there are options to turn it off. I can see that others here have the exact same feelings, so I would like to think that game developers put the option in there, but I am pretty sure that they did not. I could be wrong I?


Active Member
I certainly agree here, and it makes me wonder if there are options to turn it off. I can see that others here have the exact same feelings, so I would like to think that game developers put the option in there, but I am pretty sure that they did not. I could be wrong I?
There's probably a way to turn it off or a mod that does the job, but when I was playing this game I didn't know about all these things and I didn't bother searching online. The logical thing to do is to have it on on the lower difficulties and have it off on the harder ones.
It does really bother when you are being assisted even you don't ask for it. I think the player should have the freedom to play it in his own way so could learn from the mistakes. Sometimes assistance makes us annoyed.
I was set on buying the game as I really enjoyed F1 2012, but after hearing that, I'm massively disappointed. I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere else on the internet, do you have any sources on that?

My friends brother was a developer on the game so I could ask him.
That's awesome!
It's becoming more and more about instant gratification. Everything has to be achievable for every player. In the past it was not uncommon for games to be impossible to complete. Not because the developers wanted to spoil the experience for the users, but because the sense of achievement was far greater for the lucky few that did.

I worry that if developers keep just giving people what they want, games will suffer in the long run.
I see.