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F1 2013 Unwanted steering assistance: Does it bother you too?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


If you have played F1 2013, you will notice that there is steering assistance on by default for this game. Like it or not, they are going to assist you while you drive. This is what ruins the otherwise really great experience with the game. In order to appeal to everyone, they sold out on us. Is there some kind f fix or mod which can disable the assistance?


New Member
I was set on buying the game as I really enjoyed F1 2012, but after hearing that, I'm massively disappointed. I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere else on the internet, do you have any sources on that?

My friends brother was a developer on the game so I could ask him.


I hate it when games implement features like this without giving players the option to turn them off. It's not a racing game but I really appreciated the care Bethesda took in Fallout New Vegas by giving you the option of whether or not you want your character to have to scavenge for food to eat. I think the steering assistance in F1 2013 says a lot about the direction the industry as a whole is heading.


New Member
It's becoming more and more about instant gratification. Everything has to be achievable for every player. In the past it was not uncommon for games to be impossible to complete. Not because the developers wanted to spoil the experience for the users, but because the sense of achievement was far greater for the lucky few that did.

I worry that if developers keep just giving people what they want, games will suffer in the long run.


I don't mind it too much. I can see why people would hate that, but I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm not the greatest at racers though so maybe that's why I don't notice, lol. But yeah, I hate when developers force something on you. I don't mind it though.


New Member
As long as it has an option to turn it off, then I'm fine with it. In fact, the more options developers offer to gamers the better. As long as it allows people to enjoy themselves without effecting others games. Online racing should just have different difficulty settings with assists off/on etc.


As long as it has an option to turn it off, then I'm fine with it. In fact, the more options developers offer to gamers the better. As long as it allows people to enjoy themselves without effecting others games. Online racing should just have different difficulty settings with assists off/on etc.
Exactly this. Why shouldn't a player be allowed to tune their settings to their play-style? It's no different to real life: do you want to drive an automatic or a manual? Just because a game is online shouldn't mean everyone has to play by the same rules. Why not make different servers for people who want a default easy-mode?


Exactly this. Why shouldn't a player be allowed to tune their settings to their play-style? It's no different to real life: do you want to drive an automatic or a manual? Just because a game is online shouldn't mean everyone has to play by the same rules. Why not make different servers for people who want a default easy-mode?
I have no problem with the assistance at all. I was merely stating a fact here.

As far as MMOs and online games are concerned, you have to play by server's rules. There can't be separate serves for separate types of people. You can't customize how you would like to experience your games.


New Member
I do hate when developers force me to do stuff but as wowtgp said whan you play games online you should not expect it to be uniqe experience
I can't imagine playing a racing game with assistive steering. Doesn't that take away from the experience of racing? I mean, when you're pushing a car to its limits, relying on your own instinct for curves, I think the AI steering for me would completely throw me off.


I'm not fond of racing games when they do this. But I think the problem is they have to.

If companies depended on the hardcore gamer alone (the ones that normally don't use assist), they probably wouldn't break even. Having assistance steering makes it easier for the casuals and mainstreamers to get into the game.

Sad but true.

Ghost Rider

I haven't played F1 2013 yet so I haven't experienced the unwanted steering assistance in this game. But, I don't like the idea. Trying to steer a wheel while something else is trying to do the opposite of what you're doing? No thanks. That would be lower than a beginner. Lol.


Truth be told, it's meant ONLY for beginners in the first place. Any "vet" that uses this in any racing game has no right to call him/ herself a veteran. Stuff like steering assistance is meant for the same audience that bought the Wii, the casuals.


Things like this are very subjective. I don't get why developers won't make it changeable in the options. Bad dev.


I agree with Sidd on this one. Something like that SHOULD be optional. That way any of the die hard racers can still be happy and the casual players can still play with the assist on if they wish.

Any game that makes this mandatory is just begging for all sorts of bad backlash.


I can't say I see much of an issue here. I mean I guess I can see where this might be a problem, but overall it just doesn't seem that bad. I do take issue with the whole "Gaming is Ruined FOREVER!" mentality that is coming up in the comments here, but I mean whatever. It honestly shouldn't be too much of a problem outside of a few things here and there. But that's just my opinion.


I can't say I see much of an issue here. I mean I guess I can see where this might be a problem, but overall it just doesn't seem that bad. I do take issue with the whole "Gaming is Ruined FOREVER!" mentality that is coming up in the comments here, but I mean whatever. It honestly shouldn't be too much of a problem outside of a few things here and there. But that's just my opinion.
If you even care a little about simulation, you will delete the game as soon as you realize it isn't optional. Trust me.