Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Unаblе tо plаy оn Xbоx360

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I'vе bееn trying tо plаy gtа 4 оn my 360 аnd it kееps giving mе а pоp up sсrееn thаt sаys thаt thе disс is dirty оr sсrаtсhеd. Thе disс lооks nеw but I dоwnlоаdеd my digitаl соpy оf thе gаmе аnywаy.


New Member
Sаmе thing! Hоw саn thе disс bе dirty оr sсrаtсhеd whеn it's digitаl? Whаt dо I dо?
You must some expert or technician about it. It could be some problem with your hardware or software. Most of the times this error message pop up when there is some problem with game files.


From my experience, sometimes, CD players refuse to read pirated discs, but they always are able to read the original discs, so I guess that's the issue in your case. The disc is not original, so the Xbox refuses to read it.
I remember getting this error message for one of my games on the Xbox 360 but this was years ago. I can't remember what exactly I did but I think I just cleaned the disc a bit, put it back in and it worked perfectly. If it doesn't work then chances are your game is beyond repairable. Just try one of those game repair places first, they are extremely cheap and can professionally clean your disc. If even that doesn't work then you will just have to buy the game again or ask a friend. Most people don't use the 360 anymore so chances are they will give it out for free.


New Member
Well I hate it when I hear those words beyond repair, so I hope that that is not the case, but of course it does happen. Best of luck to ya.


New Member
I have also faced such kind of problem when I started playing this game.My PS4 also showed me an error when I inserted disc in it.I became hopeless about it but then I went to a technician.He checked PS4 thoroughly and said that it was a hardware problem.I also recommend you to go for a technician, he will definitely show a right path.


New Member
I am not sure if it is just me, but I always tend to have more issues with the XBox than the other consoles. It sounds like that is not really an issue here, but it always enters my mind when I read about things like this. Best of luck to you.