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Tips on how to win a TON of races.

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Sometimes I debate giving tips like these, but I see a lot of people asking me how I win as many races as I do so I'm here to give my tips, this is just what works for me, I'm not telling you that you have to do this, but it works for me:

Tires: Most people think tires have zero impact on the game, other than aesthetic appeal (DEAD WRONG):

Get high end wheels on every single car you have, not only do they look the best, they have INSANE grip, you will rarely spin out, even in the most traction-less cars like compacts and muscle cars. They also prevent ramming since they stick to the ground so well when someone tries to spin you out they'll be the ones to end up flying off the track.

Curb surfing: For some reason in GTA, when you ride on a curb, the game makes it think like you are riding down hill. So not only will you enjoy the massive cluster of players ramming each other and wiping out in the first 10 seconds, you will pick up a huge speed boost. Try to hit the curbs at every point, but never before a jump as you wont be able to straighten out.

Obviously, try to get the best mods on all your cars as no amount of talent is going to win against a full modded car.

Let someone go ahead you if they are right behind you. This may sound silly, but with the most races having 'catchup on' and with most of the community have zero morals and wanting to ram you into oblivion, let them go ahead. Ride their slip stream, and either ram them or blow past them at the last second.

Tips for bikes. If you do wheelies it makes a massive speed boost, most people know this, what a lot dont know if you hold back all the wall in a jump, your bike will go almost twice as far. Be careful of doing this in the new stunt races as some of the checkpoints are so awfully placed you'll fly right over them but you can get a HUGE advantage over this once you get the hang of it.

If you cant get ahead to the front at a start of the race, do not attempt to. Most of the time people dont speed boost, so if you do, you're liable to just ram them and then get caught in a 20 car pile up while cars at the beginning get a 10-15 second lead right off the bat. It sounds silly but just wait about 5 seconds and then start the race. You will see a huge pile up in front of you, then gun it and curb surf around.

Look behind you and use the farthest camera angle. If you see someone behind you on the map, quickly look behind you and you can tell almost immediatly if you they will pass you cleanly or ram you, if you see them coming on you quickly and know they are gonna ram, wait until they are about a half second behind you, slam on your brake, when you make contact with them hit the gas again, this will call them to either fly over you and crash, spin out, or at worst, tell them "im a defensive driver, and i will wreck the hell out of you if you try that again".

Respect racers if you can. With catchup on, even the last place can easily catch up to the first place. So if you are playing 3 laps, and people ram me, what they dont realize is that puts a HUGE red target on their back. I cant tell you how many times I've seen people sacrifice their entire races to seek revenge on a rammer. If you think ramming is going to get you ahead, it's NOT. Even if you do at the end of the race, they will remember your name, and they will come for you.

Start using your elegy for sports races, yes, the jester and massacro are sexier, but your elegy will win so many more races once you get used to it. Its traction, added even more with high end tires, ability do dodge cars and weave through traffic make it for a great racing car.

Make sure you have a carbon spoiler on your RE-7B as well, another glitch, along with using stock tires on it, will make your car absolutely fly. Hasn't been patched yet, and probably won't be either, it's just the way it is.


Active Member
I.. didn't expect this much information when I opened the thread, but it surely comes in handy since I've been losing a lot of my races in GTA V lately. The most helpful thing I do is learning the secret paths on the race.


Well I have to be honest I am one of those people that did not think that the tires had a lot of impact on the results of the races. Of course it probably makes a lot of sense in real life, which in that case it is good to see that it has an affect on the game. I guess I just would have liked to know a little sooner, and have to hear it second hand like I am now. Thanks for sharing, though.


I.. didn't expect this much information when I opened the thread, but it surely comes in handy since I've been losing a lot of my races in GTA V lately. The most helpful thing I do is learning the secret paths on the race.

Yeah when I create a post I like to add something very informative. I post a lot but I always make sure I can add something. The biggest thing is practice though, these tricks alone won't do you a lot of good if you don't race a lot. I've seen so many people wonder I'm so good, and how they can't do it, but then I look at their racing record and they have raced about 10 races total. I've done over 3,000. That's the difference. It's the same thing with me on a heist, I can handle it, but I don't do it a lot so I'm not as good as the people that know exactly where everything is and just bypass checkpoints and waypoints and go off course and grab a helicopter. I just try to keep up and hope I don't die.


Active Member
Yeah when I create a post I like to add something very informative. I post a lot but I always make sure I can add something. The biggest thing is practice though, these tricks alone won't do you a lot of good if you don't race a lot. I've seen so many people wonder I'm so good, and how they can't do it, but then I look at their racing record and they have raced about 10 races total. I've done over 3,000. That's the difference. It's the same thing with me on a heist, I can handle it, but I don't do it a lot so I'm not as good as the people that know exactly where everything is and just bypass checkpoints and waypoints and go off course and grab a helicopter. I just try to keep up and hope I don't die.
I think it depends on the game as well. I've played a lot of Forza and Formula 1 so I'm experienced in racing, but I still suck on GTA V because I don't do a lot of races here and I'm not used to the physics and gameplay. It definitely takes a while to understand how the game "flows".


I think it depends on the game as well. I've played a lot of Forza and Formula 1 so I'm experienced in racing, but I still suck on GTA V because I don't do a lot of races here and I'm not used to the physics and gameplay. It definitely takes a while to understand how the game "flows".

It is kind of funny when I think about all the racing games, because I really do just tend to go with whichever ones I am better at, and like you said, when I understand the flow and physics of the game I can usually win 'em all. I like the Forza games, but these are the ones that I really get lost on. Interesting stuff, and thanks for sharing.


I think I'm just a big cheater then when it comes to the information given in this thread. The only real thing I seem to do is spin out my opponents. I really love doing it to my friends and hearing them lose their minds. It is especially funny when they are near the finish line and you destroy their hopes and dreams.


Well-Known Member
I never really win races earlier on and only start to really rock up wins when I get to play for a long time and start to really learn the tricks of how to best drive cars. Once I get used to the driving and turns and all the subtle complexities of driving then chances are I can do better at races especially if I can try over and over.


Curb surfing: For some reason in GTA, when you ride on a curb, the game makes it think like you are riding down hill. So not only will you enjoy the massive cluster of players ramming each other and wiping out in the first 10 seconds, you will pick up a huge speed boost. Try to hit the curbs at every point, but never before a jump as you wont be able to straighten out.

Obviously, try to get the best mods on all your cars as no amount of talent is going to win against a full modded car.

Let someone go ahead you if they are right behind you. This may sound silly, but with the most races having 'catchup on' and with most of the community have zero morals and wanting to ram you into oblivion, let them go ahead. Ride their slip stream, and either ram them or blow past them at the last second.

Thanks for your tips bro. It wasreally helpful for me


This is quite informative especially for the young racers still gathering experience. I take this, if you can't get ahead in front at start of the race do not attempt to. To avoid a ram into other cars.
Letting someone that is behind you go in front of you is extremely important especially near the end of the race if you execute the move correctly. Because of catch up, if you're behind another car then you will get a boost that should allow you to then drive quickly past the car in front and finish first. However you have to be careful that the car doesn't try to hit you as most people will try to take you out as you go past them which could potentially mean you finish quite a way down the podium
Letting someone that is behind you go in front of you is extremely important especially near the end of the race if you execute the move correctly. Because of catch up, if you're behind another car then you will get a boost that should allow you to then drive quickly past the car in front and finish first. However, you have to be careful that the car doesn't try to hit you as most people will try to take you out as you go past them which could potentially mean you finish quite a way down the podium
I agree with your point. It is important to let a car cross you when you are near to the end as it could hit you if you are near the finish line. They would not let you win at the first place. Keep a distance with the cars when you are near to finish line.
I think it is important to have the skills and expertise rather than the tricks. If your start is good and you keep on going with it then you would not have any problem to win it.


These are some good tips. Though not much won as of yet. I may have to try and apply them. Also the thing is that some of the trolling and cheating in the games makes things a bit harder. You can see that winning race this way becomes more difficult.


Good tips, but I still suck at races in this game. Then again I only do the crazy ones on GTA online.


I think it is important to have the skills and expertise rather than the tricks. If your start is good and you keep on going with it then you would not have any problem to win it.
You are right having developing the necessary skills keeps you longer on the game. For those who trick somehow they going to face problems later.


New Member
Really nice solid tips you've got there mate. I haven't really played that much racing in GTA V and I have lost many of them, but these tips will sure help me win some more. It's nice to see people actually giving out tips to newer players around the gaming community.