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Thinking of playing this game. Is it any good?

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Played lots of racing games in the past, so I'm sure I can handle the controls with this one, because let's face it, driving games (especially the realistic ones) are pretty similar to each other in terms of controls and even gameplay. Get to the finish line first, original goal, am I right? So what do you guys think of this game? Would you recommend other people to give it a shot?


The graphics are great; however the handling is a little off at times and their seems to be not a lot of updates any more for it unfortunately. I think a lot of the players have left and gone onto greener pastures in the racing category, but if you have a download of it and are looking to waste some time and have a bit of fun it's worth a shot.


Well-Known Member
It's a well made game and it does deserve attention but ultimately it just depends on taste. I agree that the handling is a bit off but not so much that it makes the game terrible and I'd consider it a good purchase although personally I'm not too into realism myself so given a choice I'd probably just go with the other new releases.
It's a beautiful game and it has improved a lot since launch. With that said, the driving physics are a little weird if you like something closer to simulation. The biggest example I can think about is cornering. You can take a turn at full speed, crash, and still be able to corner faster than someone that does it properly.

Denis Hard

The graphics are great; however the handling is a little off at times and their seems to be not a lot of updates any more for it unfortunately.
That was because Sony intended to and actually did close Evolution Studios [the makers of the game].

But Codemasters Evolution Studios and I expect that the updates players wanted . . . they'll get them along with other improvements Codemasters thinks of.


Active Member
Driving Club is a pretty good game if you don't have anything better to play. The driving physics are a little off but the gameplay is decent and I had some fun playing it in the past. The graphics are also really good.


The graphics are genuinely some of the best graphics on any racing game ever created, it's honestly worth playing just to experience them. The game itself is solid, and with the amount of patches and updates to the game, it's been made quite good.


New Member
It's a great game. The graphics are great and the handling is fun and easy enough to get into. There is some sim elements though. For example, if you are driving the most powerful cars in the game you need to be careful with the throttle or else you'll spin out when coming out of a turn.

I have no problem finding a game online so it's far from dead. I would say go for it with the season pass.
Seems to me that the graphics are the best part of the game. I'm thinking of getting it as well and the main thing that attracted me to Drive Club over the other alternatives was the rain effects. I watched a video of some gameplay and the rain just looks fantastic! The rain droplets actually moved when you turn around corners etc.!


Active Member
Seems to me that the graphics are the best part of the game. I'm thinking of getting it as well and the main thing that attracted me to Drive Club over the other alternatives was the rain effects. I watched a video of some gameplay and the rain just looks fantastic! The rain droplets actually moved when you turn around corners etc.!

The graphics and presentation are the best parts of the game to be honest, and that's a shame. Driveclub had a lot to live up to when it eventually came out, and sadly I don't think it can live up to the hype it received. The handling of the cars and the way they perform aren't even as good as what you'd find on the earlier Gran Turismo games in my opinion, and for a Playstation 4 game that's simply not good enough.


I think it would be easy by time as some of us are new to this game. We should give it a try before making any comment. It would be easy to handle a car by the time because we would face different road grips, acceleration and shifting in every other game.
It is really the wonderful game and it takes attention of the gamers due to the HQ graphics work. I would recommend everyone to play this game. It is the best way to get entertained by a game.


The environment looks good in that video and the car looks wow. I played it in my brothers house however I was not impressed. It looked good at the beginning but it did not blow my mind. Did have fun playing but it was my first time using a full driving seat.


The game was alright. I did enjoy the Japanese tracks and the uniqueness of a couple of different locations. To be honest I have played better racing games so I would not recommend it.


I actually loved Drive Club. I know it differs to other sims in terms of driving mechanics, but that is exactly why I like it. I also love the simple and easy to use menu.


I actually loved Drive Club. I know it differs to other sims in terms of driving mechanics, but that is exactly why I like it. I also love the simple and easy to use menu.
I really enjoy sims and I'm thinking of checking out Drive Club. I'm just hoping that I'm going to love it.


I tried playing DriveClub but it turned out to be one of the worst sim I have ever played. I would not recommend this game even if is to my worst enemy.