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Things you wish were added to GTA V?

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I loved how you would get increased body armor or health in the past games, or you'd get some weapon at a safehouse or whatever. I remember doing the vigilante missions, getting a few missions in, and by then your wanted level is four or five stars, which you can't escape easily from the cops if you're not in a Rhino or attack helicopter. >:|
yeah, that was pretty cool! And in San Andreas you could train to make yourself bigger and stronger, that was pretty cool too, and made the game even more realistic.
Customizing your character more so you can really create an individualized version of the character would have been nice. In San Andreas, you can truly say that "that character" is YOUR own CJ, and it is really different from your friends' CJ, because the clothes are different, the safehouses are different, the tattoos and even muscle mass are different and individualized. I would have loved to see a more complex version of it in newer GTA, as it would really make "role playing" a lot more fun.


Anybody know if the GTA Space Mod has come out yet-and its being built by a amateur team called SollaHolla(I think they did simple zombies&spider-man V in the past)and I guess its just a PC modification. You get to battle against aliens -and they say they will feature 4 missions at launch and the lunar vehicles and exploring different planets sounds very fun as well.



I'd love it if they can add James Bond type mod in it. Because adding spy theme would be fun to GTA. Though this type of the stuff may get tangent. But its definitely a fun from what I have seen. I loved such type of the mods in other games.


New Member
The game has a lot of features already I must say, but I still miss the good old days dating thing, the Casinos, and epic side missions. That would be awesome.


New Member
Considering there are plenty of mods at this time, there is absolutely nothing that could be added that isn't modded.


Well i think they should add something different or out of this world features in the game. After all it's a game, everything and anything goes.


Active Member
I'll bring up something they shouldn't have added - The oppressor MK II. Seriously, the game has turned into Saints Row 5 and the tryhards are all over the place with these. What the hell was Rockstar thinking when they added this vehicle.