Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

The Crew There will be custom track editor added later down the line

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Yes, we can create and edit the tracks. We can create our own adventures and invite friends to try it out and race with them. When the question was asked whether there will be such a thing, the Ubisoft community manger was quick to reply. He said that there will a custom track editor added later don the line. Will you be creating your own adventures? Will you play other people's creations?


New Member
I read this news as well and I guess they wouldn't want to miss such an exciting opportunity. This will lure more players in. I enjoy playing variety of user built tracks on Trials Evolution and this crowd based design is being implemented on Project Spark as well. We are moving towards a virtual reality, interactive world where freedom is everything. I'm sure custom tracks will come up very soon as Crew already has custom cars in it and team play. Fingers crossed!


I read this news as well and I guess they wouldn't want to miss such an exciting opportunity. This will lure more players in. I enjoy playing variety of user built tracks on Trials Evolution and this crowd based design is being implemented on Project Spark as well. We are moving towards a virtual reality, interactive world where freedom is everything. I'm sure custom tracks will come up very soon as Crew already has custom cars in it and team play. Fingers crossed!
It's definitely a welcome news. I think it's a win-win situation for everyone - the players as well as developers. On one hand we will get more content to play with while on the other hand devs will make money off it. This is how Valve makes most of it's money.


Well-Known Member
I definitely see myself playing around with this feature, and if it's done well, it should add a big and rich layer of gameplay to enjoy after the missions, which is always a welcome addition.

ray king

Hey, thats good news. It will be great if have our own city and design the tracks in it, something like our own base in a strategy war game. We could compete for having designed the best tracks, It will provide lots and lots of different custom maps to try out.