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The game that makes me buy a Wii U?

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New Member
I bought the WiiU for super mario 3d world but I know Mario Kart 8 wasn't far behind. The majority of my gaming time has gone into Mario Kart 8. Mind you, I have a nice PC set up as well but I love the WiiU. With Smash just around the cornner it's a great time to buy a WiiU.


New Member
I agree with most of the previous replies on this thread: It truly does depend on the genre that you prefer the most, so it's kind of hard to generalize! Being a gamer who enjoys a variety of different genres, I do have a few favorites that I'd like to mention: Mario Kart 8 (great online matches, really fun if you like racing games!), Super Mario 3D World (really addicting, awesome plots/graphics at least imo), and Donkey Kong Country (action packed, really original storyline). Hope this helps!

I would recommend this game, among others. I don't understand the flack Wii gets. After all, if it wasn't for Nintendo, the gaming industry would be dead.
This game would make me sold on the wii-u. It has the popularity and power needed to hold a console together, and I think it is akin to the halo of microsoft.
@JohnnyHopkins - Wouldn't this be the same thing to be said about all game systems now? Microsoft only dug itself out of a dig because of quick changes it's made to the console because the sells weren't going to be what they wanted. PlayStation got its start OFF the popularity of Nintendo.

(That's right, PlayStation is the product of a deal gone through and Sony making it the successful compact disc generated system for it's time. So, really, if it wasn't for Nintendo, we wouldn't have the PlayStation I love both the systems, personally, but I think everyone should show a bit more respect for their company for all that's been done.)


Yes, if you haven't bought a Wii U yet, you should get one, and Mario Kart 8 should be the game that influences you to buy a Wii U. I really wanted a Wii U too, for Mario Kart 8, but I didn't had the money so I was really sad. I'm sure you'll really enjoy the game.


I always hated Nintendo and its characters and series. Hated them. I found them immature and, dare I say it, idiotic. But then, I have the same opinion about Disney's characters, so that says something about me. I should wear a T-shirt with a fiery "I'm with Kratos" to drive my point through.

That being said, I've also worked as a writer for tech mags AND games reviewer, so I know how to keep my opinion to my own and be frank about a piece of hardware or about how good a game truly is - even if I hate it. And MK8 is great. Not my style, but I had fun when I tried it at a friends house.

Would I buy the Wii U for it, though? Nope. Would I buy it for "the other exclusives"? WHAT "other exclusives"?

If you think about it, in reality we're talking about a bunch of titles you can count on the fingers of your hands. A bunch of titles that, together with the console, will put you back about 4-5 hundred bucks you could spend elsewhere. Now, keeping that in mind, also think of this:

What OTHER games are you going to play on Wii U if you buy it? Up to now, none. Most companies apart from Nintendo and some of its "friends" have abandoned it, and it's been explained time and time again that it's the less powerful of the "next-gen" consoles - even less powerful, in some areas, than PlayStation 3.

So, if you throw your dollars to Sony's console, you'll play Sony's games, as well as many-many games by all the other gaming companies. If you throw them to the Microsoft yard, you'll play the Xbox One's exclusive, as well as many (but not "many-many", har-har) games from all the other gaming companies as well.

If you "go Nintendo", you'll play Nintendo's games, some other companies' we-don't-even-try efforts and... And that's it, basically.

It's not that it isn't a nice console, with some nice games. It's that it's a lesser console directly compared to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with less and in many ways lesser games, apart from some standout titles - but PS4 and Xbox One ALSO have their own "standout titles". So, it should really a question of if you have the money to spend on it AFTER buying one of the other consoles. Just by thinking at facts and pure numbers and stats. Many-many good games on system 1, the same on system 2, 5-10 games on the 3rd. All three for almost the same amount of money. Witch sounds like the better choice?

(The PC, of course, but that's for another post :p )


Well, @ducklord has about a whole review and his opinion on Nintendo written down, though I must agree with some parts. The game is really immature, and you should consider saving your money if you look towards Nintendo as him, since it's certain that the PS4 and Xbox One have better specs, and more extra games, while Nintendo is mainly the Nintendo Franchise.

That said, it really depends on your personal interests, most gamers find themselves more comfortable with a PS4 with better specs and games, while others rather have all the Nintendo franchise games. It's more what you like then, though I think most people (not including myself, I love Nintendo) prefer the PS4 and Xbox One over the Wii U in the current generation, and I believe that will also remain for the next generations since Nintendo has always been a bit 'closed' towards other developers, like those who make the big AAA titles.
if you are seriously into kart racing games and think you would play it enough to make it worth the buy, then go ahead and more power to you. i bought my Wii U for MK8 along with the other exclusive titles out and the ones up and coming, but that's just me. :) I love it though!


I'd so love a Wii U, it's such an amazing console. I want to play all the Zelda games, Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart. Oh well, one day man, one day...


New Member
The Wii U is only getting better- I bought it just for MK8, and I've discovered that the other gamed out there aren't too bad to play with your children and at family gatherings.