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Who else is excited for this? Finally an original survival horror, and it's by Shinji Mikami, so it's got potential to be really, really creepy.


Wow, that looks amazingly creepy. The atmosphere was amazing and look at the graphics, incredibly good. The potential of this game is really, really big. Wow, that was creepy.


Okay, so it's been over a year now and I can fully understand the grasp of this game. This game was incredibly scary and it had that Resident Evil vibe to it. The ammo was right, not too much but not so little that you were crying every time you just had to shoot something. This game's graphics are also incredibly well detailed but the story is flat and the characters themselves are so boring, with no substance at all to them. However, if any one is ready for a straight up horror game than this game may surpass your expectations.


I am finally done playing this game and can telly you guys more about it. As a member above me said, the characters or storyline itself is not that great. The horror elements, on the other hand, is quite spectacular