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The Crew Th Crew is delayed to Spring 2014.

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Well, here you go guys. The Crew along with Watch Dogs have been delayed to spring 2014. I don't know why Ubisoft took this decision at the very last moment when Watch Dogs was about to release the very next month.

Anyways, the news is, The Crew which was scheduled to release on this financial year, has been delayed. Whats' your take on this?


Well-Known Member
All the games that I think I'm going to like are getting delayed, which kind of sucks, but I'd rather they delay it and put out a decent game than get it on time but have it feel rushed and unfinished. Hopefully this would be the last delay though, as I know some games end up getting delayed into oblivion.


Ubisoft seems to just be trying to maximize every franchise they have. Watch Dogs, The Crew, and Rainbow Six have all been delayed by them. I think they're just trying to build up hype for their games. This is especially for Watch Dogs and The Crew


Shiet! I was really hoping A racing game for PC would be coming out soon. I guess I've got quite a wait till then. Guess I'll continue playing that copy of NFS:Underground I got from the thrift store for 4 bucks. :p


Well, a delayed good games is always better than a rushed bad game. I just hope i doesn't get delayed anymore.


The sad truth is that Ubisoft knows their in a position of power right now. They don't have to answer to anybody and they realize that they have a huge window to release their game (s) whenever they want because of all the hype almost all of them have generated.

Situations like this are why I'm afraid Ubisoft are going to get like EA and Activision. I say that as in they'll realize they have enough power to take the industry by storm.


It's okay. I can wait. I prefer a good game, a fun game more than a rushed game with bugs, glitches, and complaints. Rushed games are buggy and they affects the reputation of the gaming companies.


New Member
The sad truth is that Ubisoft knows their in a position of power right now. They don't have to answer to anybody and they realize that they have a huge window to release their game (s) whenever they want because of all the hype almost all of them have generated.

Situations like this are why I'm afraid Ubisoft are going to get like EA and Activision. I say that as in they'll realize they have enough power to take the industry by storm.

They are already like Activision just look at the Assassins Creed series for proof of that. They have attempted cash grabs with prince of persia games as well. As far as being like EA I think there origin type system in uPlay makes them about the same there too. They've become a big business company just like the rest.