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Do you think a game is just more immersive when it has a big map? Do you feel like you're actually a part of that world when it has so many sections to it? Or does it just make up for just good backgrounds, even if you can't go into many of the buildings?

Personally, when GTA 4 had it's own personal map on Google, I knew that they put in a lot of time and effort into the game. Now, in GTA 5, not only do you have the city to contend with, but the wilds outside of the city. It brings more depth and believability to the game to me instead of just being about the town and making it seem like nothing else exists outside of it.


I don't think a huge map is necessary. It just has to be well done. I prefer big maps but some games have managed to do small maps well. Saints Row has made the most out of cramming as many pedestrian lines, stores, cars, litter and just about everything else into really small maps.


New Member
The thing about massive maps is that, in order for the environment to not look completely dead and bland (looking at you, Just Cause 2), the developers have to put a lot of effort into designing every single area of the map, and not resort to using some random terrain generating algorithm to do the job for them. The guys at Rockstar have really outdone themselves with GTA V. It really is a living breathing world, and it's only going to get more realistic with every update!


The big map in GTA V is great, the developers really did a fine job on that. They worked on a lot indeed, not just randomly generating things, but actually putting a lot of effort in it. It's one of the things that make this such a great game.


Active Member
A big map doesn't matter at all. What does matter is how dense a game's world map is because density creates an immersive experience.
@BRyze - You know, I knew truly thought about it being that compact. I think I'll have to take another look when I play Saints Row 2 and Saints 4, see if this has changed between the two games.

@eMikke22 - This makes me want to get this game all the more now! Damn, my wallet is going to hate me after I'm done getting the funds.

@utneqo7d - Do you think this will be the same for PC or is it on the computer that you've played this game before? (I'm more of a PC gamer nowadays.)

@troutski - Never thought of it like that. I'll keep that in mind next time, troutski! :D


I feel the same way as you described- it does feel a bit more immersive and realistic when there's more to explore. I like the maps a lot, actually, in games as long as they're done well.


I like the big, sprawling map on GTA V because I like exploring and driving around in between missions. I don't always have to be doing something in GTA, sometimes I like to goof off and look around so a big, spread,big map with wilderness areas is perfect for me.


I like the big, sprawling map on GTA V because I like exploring and driving around in between missions. I don't always have to be doing something in GTA, sometimes I like to goof off and look around so a big, spread,big map with wilderness areas is perfect for me.

I think that the bigger the map the better for me. I don't think that a small map would be fun to play on because it would be a bit restrictive and then there will not be enough things to explore. I like the big map because there is so much things that you can do and that means that I will not get bored with the game anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
I personally like smaller maps because it gives me more focus on missions and the other elements of the game, but I can also appreciate larger maps, as I think it brings a very different experience that is also very nice.


Active Member
As long as there are ample ways to get around the map, then it's not an issue how big or small the map is. However, smaller maps do require more depth than larger ones, as I stated previously.


Active Member
Bigger is better for me, since that means more to explore and do, which translates into more game time.


I actually love big maps. It's fun to be able to drive for a long time without having to turn and without having to turn around or anything. Also, the bigger the map, the more things there are to do. So I definitely prefer a bigger map over a smaller map, even if it has a lot of things.
I really think that the bigger a game's map is, the more immersive and alive it feels. It also helps if that game has population on the map, because if you have a gigantic map with no NPCs, it won't help at all.


I really think that the bigger a game's map is, the more immersive and alive it feels. It also helps if that game has population on the map, because if you have a gigantic map with no NPCs, it won't help at all.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. NPCs play a big role. Imagine GTA without NPCs and nobody to run over while messing around!


Well-Known Member
As long as there are ample ways to get around the map, then it's not an issue how big or small the map is. However, smaller maps do require more depth than larger ones, as I stated previously.
Agreed. If a map is smaller but is rich with features and well thought out and executed then it could feel larger than it actually is. A lot of the earlier GTA maps were fairly small compared to the offerings these days, but the experience I had there was just as full.