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Speed Cars and batman in GTA

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Warner Williams

Staff member
Someone mentioned a while back that there is some need for speed. Looking at it now, there are some beautiful wheels in the GTA that are worth mentioning. Some are spooky enough and may have been simulated from the bat car.

The GTA 5 poured increased velocity to all its vehicles. Yet if speed is your high day, here are some that may work for you.

1) Grotti Vigilante
This is an air propulsion sports car that reminds everyone of Batman. It is as black as it is fast, running an average of 227 kph. it is available in the online mode of the hame and may be purchased at the Warstock Cache & Carry.

The wallet-crushing price is $3,750,000.

2) Annis ZR380
Although not as expensive, or as stylish as the Bat car. this baby can spit out 141 miles per hour. That is just about 10 miles slower than the Grotti.

Gamers can acquire her at the War Website for $2,138,640.

3) BF Weevil Custom
This a civilian car and you be asking why the speed. running more than 137 miles per hour, this blue VW won't be eating too much dust.

It is available for online gamers for $870,000 in GTA Online.

4) Ocelot Pariah
this used to be the fastest GTA vehicle. It was the talk of the town, running 110 miles per hour. it is still around and a classic speeder.

You may add to your garage at $1,420,000 from Legendary Motorsport.

If you really need to up your speed, then those are your best option on the GTA.