Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Sonic the Hedgehog

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Yeah it's only now that I see comments from people around the world that I realize how beloved that controller really was. I even saw someone explain the science of what made it so different even when compared to the supposedly more technologically advanced controllers of today and knowing about details like that only makes me appreciate the science that went into it a lot more.

To put is simple it was similar to a mechanical keyboard that uses analog to communicate with the keys and the input. Simple On/Off 1/0 no digital
dependency of special software to determin presure or angles just if the button was pressed or not. That simple perfection is what lead to so many Hadoukens, Shoryukens, Beserker Barrages, Hurrican kicks, and of course all the Weapon X's across my fighting game career.


Well-Known Member
To put is simple it was similar to a mechanical keyboard that uses analog to communicate with the keys and the input. Simple On/Off 1/0 no digital
dependency of special software to determin presure or angles just if the button was pressed or not. That simple perfection is what lead to so many Hadoukens, Shoryukens, Beserker Barrages, Hurrican kicks, and of course all the Weapon X's across my fighting game career.
You're right. I once came across a graphic explanation of what made it so good and what made it different from modern copycats and it was really exceptional in design even to me as someone who isn't very well versed in engineering. I really wish someone would bring that back and I'm even confused as to why no one else has duplicated it since.


You're right. I once came across a graphic explanation of what made it so good and what made it different from modern copycats and it was really exceptional in design even to me as someone who isn't very well versed in engineering. I really wish someone would bring that back and I'm even confused as to why no one else has duplicated it since.

Because of the state of current gaming devs are always looking for realness and realism etc... so for example if you lightly tap a button your action should be different as apposed to if you mashed the button. The Playstion 2 was the first to implement this and it worked nicely in racing games for example you want to speed up you you hold down X you wan to ease up off the gas you ease off the button this digital detection A.K.A. pressure sensitive buttons became all the rage is what is used now.


Well-Known Member
Because of the state of current gaming devs are always looking for realness and realism etc... so for example if you lightly tap a button your action should be different as apposed to if you mashed the button. The Playstion 2 was the first to implement this and it worked nicely in racing games for example you want to speed up you you hold down X you wan to ease up off the gas you ease off the button this digital detection A.K.A. pressure sensitive buttons became all the rage is what is used now.
I had not given thought to this, thanks for clearing it up. I never noticed the sensitivity of my new controllers all that much to be honest, but if they really are in there and it does work then I guess that only speaks more of how great the engineering is that it is so good that it becomes second nature and thus unnoticeable. This means that the old Sega controllers aren't pressure sensitive though right, even if they were great for fighting games? Would it be possible to mix the two, you think?


Sanic is ded. Look at Sonic boom, it's a wreck, Sonic aside, it's a terrible and very cringey game, the last good game was generations. The Sonic racing games are infinitely better than the other terrible 3D games.


I used to tap the control on the Genesis and he would spin all over the screen. I did not like that game at all.


Did Nintendo adopt him or did his games go when the Sega went out of business? I remember working at Toys R Us when that happened and we made room for the Xbox games, but I don't know what happened with Sonic.
I hear there is a new Sonic movie that is coming out. I don't know what's up with the games though. For a while Sonic was giving Mario a little competition.
From what I heard, Sega relied on what's known was the "bandwagon" effect. Basically, they got popular because people bought their games because of others who bought it. A friend of mine told me that, but I'm not sure if that's true. I always thought Sega was pretty cool with their games.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen an emulator for the Sega Genesis. I am not interested but just curious if there is one.
There have been lots of emulators for it for a while now probably because it's low tech enough to make it easy for a lot of people. Another great thing about it is that all of the games including the emulator are just small in terms of file size so you could download them in just a few seconds literally.


There have been lots of emulators for it for a while now probably because it's low tech enough to make it easy for a lot of people. Another great thing about it is that all of the games including the emulator are just small in terms of file size so you could download them in just a few seconds literally.

Really I have been looking for something like this that would be able to run on my computer and I have not been able to find anything. The only one that I have been able to find is one for the N64 and that one is really cool. I think that I will try to get this one running on my computer I really hope that my computer will be able to run these games and that the hardware that I have right now will be able to manage it.


Well-Known Member
Really I have been looking for something like this that would be able to run on my computer and I have not been able to find anything. The only one that I have been able to find is one for the N64 and that one is really cool. I think that I will try to get this one running on my computer I really hope that my computer will be able to run these games and that the hardware that I have right now will be able to manage it.
It's really easy to find and there's even so many variations of them nowadays since the technology for Genesis is a bit low. It doesn't even really need a good machine for it to operate. I once installed one on a very old netbook that lagged like hell but I got to play on it without any problems.


Sonic is now sort of out of date at this point, because he isn't relevant anymore. Sega did a really bad job with him as a primary mascot. Nintendo played it smart and created high quality games in the Mario franchise, instead of licencing him to other companies to make rip offs of the mascot. And by that, they don't have to focus on Mario that much, creating other legendary characters like Link. I feel bad about that because Sonic was actually a pretty big part of the whole game mascot array of characters and now that Sega has treated him badly, we don't really see him as often or in good video games.


Well-Known Member
Sonic is now sort of out of date at this point, because he isn't relevant anymore. Sega did a really bad job with him as a primary mascot. Nintendo played it smart and created high quality games in the Mario franchise, instead of licencing him to other companies to make rip offs of the mascot. And by that, they don't have to focus on Mario that much, creating other legendary characters like Link. I feel bad about that because Sonic was actually a pretty big part of the whole game mascot array of characters and now that Sega has treated him badly, we don't really see him as often or in good video games.
I did not know Sega did this. To be fair though, I don't think sonic could have ever been as iconic and popular as Mario, but I can't exactly think of the specific reason either.


One of the faces of the industry, it's just nice to know Sonic is still being made in one form or the other. I just got rid of a few of his latest running games from my phone but they were pretty entertaining while they lasted. Last I heard Sega was just going to attack the mobile market and remain away from the console business. Even though there's plenty of room for a new release right now and everyone would buy a dreamcast two.