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Should the next protagonist be a female?

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New Member
I'm not really liking the idea of a female character as the main playable character - I'm not sure how I'd feel about dialogue in the game, it probably wouldn't really be relateable as much as a male character. GTA V hit a fine balance by having 3 characters who were all different (noticeably), but still had traits we could understand.


Active Member
A GTA game with only a lead female character would be a tough sell because it would be hard to convince people that she's as "hard" as the other main characters from previous titles.

It would b efar easier to integrate a female lead into a game with one or two other playable protagonists. Making her fit into the game would be far easier, and then you could try a female only protagonist on a future GTA title with better results.


New Member
I don't know why but I could really go for a female character...or at least have the choice to choose one...Man Mind blown over the opportunities :)


I think that there should be a choice by choosing the protagonist when you start the game for the first time, so then you can have male or female protagonist and everyone is happy. It would just take some more time to develop the game, because they would have to record the female voice for the game the same way they record the male voices.


New Member
I believe that having a female protagonist would be a nice touch, but it would be nice to let the players have a choice of whether they wish to play as a female or male protagonist. Even doing the same thing that Grand Theft Auto Five does and letting the players switch amongst three main characters. This would be unique and game changing.


New Member
Honestly, I think that a female protagonist would be interesting. But honestly it really all depends on who writes the character, who voices, and who designs, in order to get the personality of the protagonist just right. But yes, I think that a female would add a new perspective, and a different type of story overall.


New Member
I think they could pull off a female protagonist if they did it right. She'd need to be a really strong lead or she wouldn't fit into your typical GTA story line. I'm worried they would try to polish a female character so she seemed above reproach. All the main characters of GTA have had serious flaws and issues (obviously, the game is named after crime). She'd have to be able to get down and dirty just like all the others.


New Member
Well, i think there should be an option to play as a chick if you want, but i wouldn't like it if you had no choice but to play as one. One of the reasons i never played Tomb Raider was because you had to play as a chick. It's really not my thing. Can you imagine Max Payne being Maxie Penny? I don't think so.


New Member
To be completely honest I'm not sure if GTA could give us consumers a decent plot using a female character. I'm obviously not trying to say that women don't have the "rights" to do such a thing, but I believe a male character would be able to maintain a more intense and interesting storyline. Rockstar could definitely introduce a female support character, but I'm not sure about introducing a female protagonist/antagonist.


I didn't mean it in that manner, Livvy. There are plenty of female gamers, but plenty of people wouldn't want to play a GTA title with a female lead only. That female lead would have to be as ruthless and "dirty" as other GTA leads, which would be hard to pull off. Otherwise, people would think that Rockstar is making a AA title rather than a AAA title. I wouldn't care either way as long as I was playing a GTA title.

Why would it be hard to pull off? Just have her be ruthless and dirty. It's not exactly hard to write a female criminal Troutski, although what would be interesting to see is if Rockstar went the full way with it. See, male criminals typically are quite...brutal and boastful almost. Showy I guess is the way to put it. Female criminals are less showy, yet more violent in their actions. Like, think of it like this. A male criminal would just kill you. A female criminal, going off of the history of them, tend to not only make you suffer for a long time before even thinking of killing you, but will do it in different ways, and are less likely to be caught.

Imagine a GTA game where you're half gangster, half hitman. Always hiding behind others, making people think that you're not the boss, but just a girl that is kept around because you look pretty, when in reality you're the most cold blooded killer the city has ever known!


If you could only play as a female then no, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a separate storyline for a female char I guess. I just would never play as the female.


New Member
I guess it would be worth a try, but I wouldn't make her a main character if you catch my drift... Because I don't think she would fit in to the game series that well, I could play with her (heh), but wouldn't want her to be a main playable character.

A nice touch would be something like (using an example from GTA V):
Michael comes home, finds Amanda an the kids being held hostage, goes on a road rage blaah blaah, gets himself into a bad position. Then, you can play Amanda for like 5-10 minutes, trying to help Michael.

I would have loved to see that kinda scene, especially the talk after that event :D


New Member
A female protagonist would be a great idea for the next GTA game. You see females but not one of them are a protagonist being controlled by the player. That would be Rockstars next step in the GTA series.


New Member
If we have multiple characters again then maybe. But GTA is not a series that shouldn't have to be forced to do this to prove that they're not sexist. I'm not, but I want the option to walk around and beat people up as a male as well. But as I said, if there could be an option, then yes that would be great!


New Member
If a female lead role fits I think it would be a good idea. But I HATE it when developers force a female protagonist just because they feel like they have to cater to people who become outraged at the thought of a male lead. The best approach might be one female protagonist and one male, kind of like GTA V but only two people and one of them being female.


New Member
I don't think it really matters, if Rockstar can come up with a female protagonist and not make it seem forced, then go for it. But Rockstar wouldn't do it if they couldn't make it seem perfect.


New Member
Sure, it makes the game a whole lot more interesting, and maybe even get more sales? (because female character.)


New Member
Seeing a female character for a change would make the game a bit more sexy. Should this female character be straight, lesbian, or bisexual?