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Should the next protagonist be a female?

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Every main characters for GTA have been male so far. Do you think Rockstar should go for something new, with a female playable character for the next installment of GTA?

You can play as a female in GTA Online, and there's mods available to change your player skin in previous GTA game, but it would be nice if we could get a fully voiced female protagonist in the next game.

So what do you guys think?


This isn't Tomb Raider. I would like there to be more female characters, but I want to roleplay as male (sorry for possibly offending somebody).


New Member
If they are going the same formula with multiple protagonists then I don't mind one of them being a female actually. GTA has always been centered on men, I think it's refreshing to see stories from a woman's perspective for once.

Scott Rooney

New Member
I think the games target market is men, so it makes more sense for Rockstar to make all of the main characters male, as it makes the players feel like they really are the character. I do know a girl though who was getting the game so maybe due to it's popularity, it will open up to the female market, we'll just have to wait for the next GTA!


New Member
I think this is a good idea, it acknowledges the fact that a large number of gamers are women, and it would give the games a fresh perspective. Female characters in GTA have always been pretty shallow. I think creating a female protagonist would really allow Rockstar to correct this. I agree with the earlier poster who mentioned the new Tomb Raider. That would be a great game to draw inspiration from.


New Member
I agree with those that suggest that a female character would be fresh for the GTA series. I'm not saying that it's wholly necessary, but it would certainly be interested to see where Rockstar went with a female character, having not had one before. Still, the amount of people that they'd probably offend with writing such a character, as I'm sure she wouldn't be the strongest female lead ever seen in a game :D


New Member
Including a female protagonist in the GTA series sounds like a great idea! I agree with daimashin that they should add a girl in their character wheel if they continue the multiple characters mechanic, that'd be interesting. I don't care how Rockstar decides to implement a female character, but I doubt they'd make her completely useless/dim-witted/shallow. This is GTA with characters you play that are hardcore in their own way, and it'd be bad if they made the only female boring to play.


New Member
Yeah i certainly think if you can switch between players at least one should be a woman :) Think i would enjoy that! I think it would freshen up the game a bit ! mix things up.


New Member
While I'm all for equal rights for both sexes, the Grand Theft Auto series is a male dominated game because it fulfills masculine based stereotypes on a level that society deems unacceptable to women. We should have more feminine characters in the game, but not as the protagonist. When Assassins Creed included a female heroine in their "Liberation" game for the Vita, I felt weird playing it because it took me out of the suspension of belief. Therefore, a female protagonist for the GTA series would do the same.


New Member
If anything it should be where like GTA V you'll have three characters, except this time one of them is a female. I think that would be fresh and exciting, and can definitely be entertaining story-wise and gameplay-wise.

You can just imagine where 2 of the other characters both like the female character and they would both fight over her. It would make for some hilarious dialogue. Other than that, I think a female character would be very bad ass.


There definitely should be more inclusion of women in the game. So far the biggest roles women have had in the game is strippers and hookers. I know that the game is playing up to the stereotypes of Hollywood and other games but it would be good if there are more important female characters next time, even if not as the protagonist.


New Member
The introduction of a female protagonist would ethically, in my opinion, be the right way to handle the bad press received by the game and its objectifying nature. However, as you can see above, it may not be very well received by the audience for this game which frankly is dominated by males. Very few males would object to gender equality but quite a few would feel uncomfortable shooting people and going to strip clubs with a female character. I think a female protagonist isn't necessary, but as mentioned I would like to see a more prominent role of females in the upcoming GTA games; because until now their role has been pretty insignificant.
I don't think they should force a female protagonist into the game , it should be a natural decision. A female character would be cool though. They would definitely stereotype her though. You know , for marketing campaigns and things of that nature.


New Member
I don't think it would affect the sales of the game, it's GTA for heaven's sake, but it would be a ballsy move. Haters of the game (press etc) would see it as another opportunity to shout about how evil it is etc, that it depicts female violence!


New Member
I haven't been able to play Tomb Raider because I got a boner from 5 to 5 minutes. So this might be a big problem among male gamers :).
Really? Are you referring to the pre-reboot one or the rebooted one? :) The new one doesn't look very arousing to me. I prefer the old Lara Croft :p. The new Lara is too whiny for my liking.


New Member
I don't think it would affect the sales of the game, it's GTA for heaven's sake, but it would be a ballsy move. Haters of the game (press etc) would see it as another opportunity to shout about how evil it is etc, that it depicts female violence!

I haven't even thought about the sales point, but after thinking about I think it would still sell a lot but not as much as GTA IV or V. Like I said before, it could work if there was a female character in addition to two male characters and you can play as all of them like GTA V. But to just have 1 main female character wouldn't want to make a lot of people play.