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Sea races vs street racing

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New Member
What races do you like to play in GTA 5? I'm all about the street races. Customizing your cars and racing them. I also like the sea races. At first I didn't think it would be that thrilling but it really is competitive. But I still prefer street racing over sea racing.


Definitely street racing, so much more stuff to watch out for and dodge, more potential for going faster and finding short cuts too.
Most definitely street racing would have to be my favorite also. I really love how you can customize the car whether it be something big or even the smallest of details that you want to add to you car. Then to race it afterwards is the best part of all.


Street racing. The sea racing is extremely boring because there's not as many hazards or anything.


Sea races are easy and street races are not as easy. I have only played one sea race and thought it was alright. Street races on the other hand are very competitive and fun. Only thing that bothers me is that players knock my car out and I always end up losing.


Street racing is a lot more destructive and violent, so that makes it better. The sea races are a bit awkward for me to be honest.
Yes street racing does win hands down! The ships are really hard to control and move very slowly. I often just end up quitting a sea race because the boats move so slow around such a big course. When cars have much more obstacles and better controls.


New Member
Street races, definitely. I prefer roads to choppy waves. I dislike air races too, because I can't control the plane very well. I just hate when everyone uses the PIT Maneuver on you in a street race, very annoying, and I hate when you accidentally go the wrong way and lose time because the track isn't well marked.


I fucking love street races (that's why I'm on this forum I guess, lol). I like the sea in GTA5 very much, too (I didn't like it in the older parts, don't know why tho). So, I also participate in some sea races, but I usually go with my tuned Entity on online street races.


I hate sea racing, it's too easy to just hit a wave too fast and just get launched in a different direction than where you need to go.
Not to mention that the street races you can run with your customized car so it's a much better experience


IMO, Street racing is way better. Just because you can do much better maneuvers with a car than a boat. Then there is the whole scenic streets of LA thing... You can't compare that to the lifeless ocean in the game.


Well-Known Member
Street racing is still best for me. I find cars a lot more interesting and I like drifting on the streets a lot more. Also, as you've mentioned, customizing cars is very fun as well.


I agree with you, I love the street racing, the cars, the customizing, the beauty of the city. I prefer street racing for sure.


I will always be a fan of street racing for a long time. I tried sea racing once but it did not stick. I love street racing with a passion.