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San Andreas Deseart Enviroment

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New Member
San Andreas is the only game in the series that has a custom desert environment. I loved it very much with its realism and how it looks like so secluded. What are your thoughts when it comes to the desert environment in San Andreas?


New Member
I particularly loved a helicopter mission that you had to shoot as some cars in the desert. It was really cool the way you had to chase them into the desert and then shoot at them until they blew up..


New Member
I loved the variety of environments offered in GTA SA. That game is truly like nothing else.

The feel of each and every place in that game is unlike any other and you could actually feel that you're in a different city or locality.

The desert certainly was interesting and a fun place to roam around. But I wouldn't say it was my favourite. I'm more of a city person.


New Member
I loved the variety of environments offered in GTA SA. That game is truly like nothing else.

The feel of each and every place in that game is unlike any other and you could actually feel that you're in a different city or locality.

The desert certainly was interesting and a fun place to roam around. But I wouldn't say it was my favourite. I'm more of a city person.
I have a love for strange environment that have not been fully explored. For me that was exactly what The desert gave me a virtual way. I just loved it though I spend most of my time roaming in the city.


New Member
I have a love for strange environment that have not been fully explored. For me that was exactly what The desert gave me a virtual way. I just loved it though I spend most of my time roaming in the city.

Yeah, those areas were a bit tough to navigate. The hills and slopes really made it tough.

I too liked roaming in the cities more. Much more atmosphere to take in.


New Member
San Andreas had great environments all over the game. It was not just the desert area that caught my eye, but the whole game environment together. I could not believe how well together GTA San Andreas was. That is one the many reasons I believed GTA 5 would have great competition.