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Saints row cars vs GTA V cars?

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Both of these games have a big variety of car models, although GTA's are more akin to real life cars. Saints rows cars are nice and have nice handling, but GTA has the upper hand on graphics. Which game do you think has the better cars?


Active Member
You're kidding, right? Saints Row IV has 99 vehicles, and GTA V has 262 total vehicles, so that answers your question right there. Grand Theft Auto games have more vehicles, better graphics, and more realistic handling along with far more customization options.
I think have to go with Saint's Row. Despite it having LESS vehicles, I like the personality of the game and the cars. Just something about a car that has a gag that looks SOOO much fun. Then again, current SR games to date have been one for personality.


Active Member
Saint's Row is a more goofy version of GTA. Vehicle-wise you can see that SR's are more pimped up and ridiculous-looking, while GTA's more closely resemble real life cars. Ultimately I guess it depends on which one you prefer.


I prefer the GTA versions of the cars, I like that they handle very realistically, especially compared to the Saints Row games.
But of course this is a personal choice, I can see how the SR ones can be more fun for some people.


Well-Known Member
I prefer GTA cars even if I'm not too keen on making everything too realistic, but that's only because I've already grown to love the game so much so I am probably just biased.


Saint's Row. I'm throwing out the graphical differences just because Saint's Row prefers a comedic style. The cars in GTA are beautiful but they're just part of the city. Saint's Row cars all have personality. Most of them can have customizations, the exception being special vehicles. Saint's Row vehicles really take their over the top fun mentality to heart. Even in 4 when you have superpowers that allow you to get around the map faster you still want to drive because the vehicles are so cool. Tron bikes, hover crafts, cyber cars, alien vehicles etc. Also, there's a drift button.
I can agree on the vehicles having personality, but after I got the powers, I hardly drove anywhere. The only exception would be if I had the gang member without powers and just drove them along with me because they take to long to re-spawn, for my taste anyway.

Also, another reason why I like the Saint Row vehicles compared to Grand Theft Auto. One of my most entertaining and favorite vehicles are on Saints Row:

The Raycaster and Salem.

I like to dress my character up in ridiculous outfits as I fly through the air on my broom. As for the Raycaster, it was my go to car for speed.


DO you guys think your opinion varies much depending on which game you're talking about?
I loved the older cars in Vice City, they were a lot of fun to drive.


DO you guys think your opinion varies much depending on which game you're talking about?
I loved the older cars in Vice City, they were a lot of fun to drive.

Yes, I know it matters based on the game. I hated the cars in Vice City. I'm probably the only person who hated Vice City in general. There were just so many small things about the game that annoyed me. Maybe because I was younger and easier to annoy then.


I prefer the cars in Saints Row IV than in GTA V. GTA V has realistic cars that are really based on real life but for SR IV, the cars were crazy and the customizations are awesome.


Honestly I will tell you that it is really hard for me to be able to take Saints Row seriously. Playing the game just feels to comical and I really cannot even see it being able to be in the same class as GTA. To me though I think that GTA has always had the better cars and the cars that are in GTA just look so much more polished.