Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Ride 2 Multi Language?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I am wondering if the game is available in multiple other languages. The current default sets to the English. And I just wanted to know if it supports Asian languages. Do you have any idea about languages in the game? Do you think it has multi language?


Yes I too have noticed lack of multiple language support. I understand considering this is region specific game. I just wanted some of my offshore friends play it. So that's why I asked for that.
Yes I too have noticed lack of multiple language support. I understand considering this is region specific game. I just wanted some of my offshore friends play it. So that's why I asked for that.
So sad to hear this from you, I think the only way to play with your other friends is to let them understand what English is. But I think it's not very hard because english is a universal language.


Except it is kinda very hard if you don't understand English ? you can't learn a new language in a day.
BTW, Ride 2 has a multi language support. Supported languages are, as listed on the Steam page :

- English
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish
- Portuguese-Brazil
- Japanese

No subtitles, but they aren't really needed.
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