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Reasons you like the game?

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New Member
I personally love this game, I have played every GTA game since GTA 1. I love how every game has topped the previous when it comes to the game content and mechanics of the software. I love the story based on how the game has a fresh perspective, and also I love how they interacted with each other. If you are crazy for this game, please let me know why you like it, and if you're a good player like myself.


I really enjoy the game because of the amount of detail they put into it. All the little things you don't really notice just contribute to making an entire world. It's fast and exciting and the story is amazing.


The attention of detail is what I've come to love about Rockstar games. Grand Theft Auto games always have a fun story and at times even some serious aspects to it. The game all around just makes every other game look amateur compared.


Active Member
I would definitely have to agree with the attention to detail and the abundance of extra game features and mechanics.


Active Member
Open world concept with so much to do, it's probably only second to Skyrim in terms of sheer content. I never run out of new things to do after spending over 80 hours in the game. Also the degree of customisation is nice, as other members have said.


Open world concept with so much to do, it's probably only second to Skyrim in terms of sheer content. I never run out of new things to do after spending over 80 hours in the game. Also the degree of customisation is nice, as other members have said.
Yeah I would have to agree with you on that one. I have found so many miniature little Mission things around GTA that it's hard to imagine doing all of them

One that really surprised me was walking through the woods and finding a girl digging her own grave with mafia men standing next to her with guns. It was pretty awesome and I like the fact that I would have never have seen that had I not been wandering in some obscure area.


New Member
I like how well polished the game is; the whole world is so detailed and feels so full of life. That said, I wish there were games with this kind of money put in it that isn't about bad people, haha.


I like the characters, the music, the story, the graphics, the gameplay. I basically like everything except the fact that you can no longer walk into Burger Shot or Cluck N Bell.


I love this game, because it is a GTA game. I loved all the GTA games this far, because of the open world that they bring with them. I like exploring the huge world and always finding something new, this is no different in this GTA, so there is really nothing that could make me hate this game. I also like the multiplayer in this game, so that you can play it with your friends, race with your cars, make a lot of heists, buy new property etc. I like this GTA above all others, because it has better graphics and a lot more to explore.


GTA5 is just the best GTA game. So much has been improved in it. The story and the characters this time around are just amazing. Plus, the gameplay is just more expansive and exciting. It really does feel like an open world game.


I really like the game because of the amount of effort that they put into every single detail of the game. I will tell you that I have not played a game like this in a long time. It was the most fun that I have ever had while playing a video game. I think the reason that I like the game so much is because the game has so much things to do in it.


One of the reasons is because hoe the games world feels so real and alive. My mind was blown when I saw how all the NPC's reacted to everything that was going on. Example its starts to rain people in convertibles put the top up, people on the street pull out umbrellas other run for cover etc.. How every time you change characters they were going about their own lives doing what they do. And all the other little details of the game that make it feel so alive too many to list here if your curious or want to have your mind blown by all the minute details in this game look up "100 LITTLE THINGS IN GTA 5 THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND"
thats one of the first things i noticed was how lifelike the environment felt. I would have traded all of it for a more fleshed out character roster and in depth experience. For me playing as 3 different characters kind of ruined it for me.


The attention to detail definitely does play a big part in the appeal for me, as well as just the amount of detail- I like that there are a lot of extra features and options as to what to do; it's not as repetitive as some games tend to be so I'm less likely to get bored with it quickly.


The story is top notch and I can't complain about the graphics either. My favorite part of the game would have to be the freedom. It lets you do so much and go so many places. This is only multiplied when you add in multiplayer and your friends. It's all about the freedom to me.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just a well made game overall. Every addition to every version feels right and well thought out and I never sense that the developers felt lazy in any of the aspects which shows great respect to the fans, and I think that is a trait that is beginning to be less and less present in this industry.


There's nothing for me to really dislike. It's so different from it's predecessor and that's what makes it fresh. The city, contrary to popular belief feels real to me, and I can actually walk around in it, or go for a drive. The story I also enjoyed enough to play 3 times and 100% once. So yeah, sure there's a few things I'd enjoy to see, but the game is still great.
I like gta because you have the freedom to do whatever you want. It is a driving game, shooting game, flying game, etc. Anybody can play gta and will like at least one of the activities they offer to you. The story is good seems like it can actually happen in real life if los santos was a real place.
I love the open world and open endedness of the GTA series. They also have pretty good stories and characters, and a pack like that sure makes it stand out. I also enjoy the driving mechanics and the overall feel of the game.


The open-world concept is one of the reasons why I like this game. The story and the characters, and the freedom of playing this game makes the game awesome.