Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Ok, does everyone here understand what a forum is?

A forum is a place to share your ideas, views, opinions and thoughts on a specific area or genre. It is then a place for people to argue their own points and provide reasoning.

Do not come onto a forum if all you are going to say is that people are not the same and will have different opinions. This is the most common-sense fact of life, and as I keep saying, that's what the forum is here for.

If this concept is one that you disagree with, then don't come and post - simple as that.

/rant over
Perhaps in saying that others have different opinions they're avoiding getting into an argument. And there's nothing wrong with that, as I wouldn't particularly want to be visiting a forum where people can't see and accept others points of view. There's a difference between having a debate about something, and arguing about it.


Forum doesn't always have to have drama. And no one has the right to tell people they can or cannot post here unless you own the forum.


Perhaps in saying that others have different opinions they're avoiding getting into an argument. And there's nothing wrong with that, as I wouldn't particularly want to be visiting a forum where people can't see and accept others points of view. There's a difference between having a debate about something, and arguing about it.

Forum doesn't always have to have drama. And no one has the right to tell people they can or cannot post here unless you own the forum.

I think you guys are missing the point. Posting a statement saying other have differing opinions is just killing the discussion. We are here to share our point of views and when someone comes in and says something like that, it is just like killing the thread because that person clearly doesn't want to read about these different opinions. There has not been any argument in the forum at all; it has all been debate and discussions. When someone then creates a post trying to stop people posting their own point of view, it's just pointless.

There is no 'drama' here. People should post if they want to contribute to the forum or particular discussio.
When someone then creates a post trying to stop people posting their own point of view, it's just pointless.

There is no 'drama' here. People should post if they want to contribute to the forum or particular discussio.

Like I said, probably down to the fact that people understand that people have their own opinions and are entitled to them, and 'debate' can get boring when you know neither party will change their mind.

Can't say I've noticed anyone trying to stop someone else posting with their point of view.