Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Fit Tony

New Member
I never finished the rampages in VC. I hated the fact that when you failed a rampage, you couldn;t do it again. Has anybody here completed those successfully? Was there a special reward?


Active Member
I also have to admit that it's something that I never really got to grips with either. The fact when it's gone you wasn't allowed to do it again didn't make sense to me, surely if your going for 100% completion that would be frustrating to fail one, because you knew that would be that.


New Member
I managed to complete the Rampages, but I am not aware of whether or not the Rampages will appear again if you fail to complete one. I had to redo the rampage in Fort Baxter everytime I fail because of the gang members being sparse in that area.


I did a bunch of them too, but I never get frustrated when I fail them, because it's not like a mission where you will get stuck if you don't complete it. It's just an added thing to accomplish in the game.


Active Member

I don't remember them. What did you have to do in them and how many of them were there?


Active Member

I don't remember them. What did you have to do in them and how many of them were there?
I can't remember how many there were, but basically they were just side missions that were scattered all around the city. You could find them by their white skull bubble thing that you walk into and the mission would start. You had to kill gang members in a specified amount of time IIRC. There were no special prizes or anything. All you got was some cash.


Active Member
I never finished the rampages in VC. I hated the fact that when you failed a rampage, you couldn;t do it again. Has anybody here completed those successfully? Was there a special reward?
You only got a cash reward. There were no special rewards except to add to the game completion percentage. It's a bummer that there were no second chances.


Active Member
The game completion percentage used to annoy me, as I found them one of the hardest parts of the game to play. I think they should have increased the rewards rather than make the rampages count towards the game completion, but then again I would say that!


New Member
I don't really remember the skull bubble on the map but I remember having killed a bunch of gang members. Although I found all those missions a pain, I don't think I've failed any of them (that may be because I used cheats everytime so..).


Active Member
I don't really remember the skull bubble on the map but I remember having killed a bunch of gang members. Although I found all those missions a pain, I don't think I've failed any of them (that may be because I used cheats everytime so..).

Well if you used cheats and failed then that would be spectacularly bad of you, haha! Speaking of cheats though, if you do use them, doesn't that also stop you from achieving 100% game completion anyway?


Active Member
The game completion percentage used to annoy me, as I found them one of the hardest parts of the game to play. I think they should have increased the rewards rather than make the rampages count towards the game completion, but then again I would say that!
I don't have a problem making the rampages part of the game completion percentage. I just wish you could do them multiple times. If there were just a one off thing, then they should of made it part of the game completion.


Active Member
Well if you used cheats and failed then that would be spectacularly bad of you, haha! Speaking of cheats though, if you do use them, doesn't that also stop you from achieving 100% game completion anyway?
I haven't heard about using cheats making it impossible to get 100% in the game. It does makes sense if that were case. You shouldn't really be allowed to complete the game 100% if you used cheats.


Active Member
I know using the cheats in GTA SA meant you couldn't get 100% because I made that mistake myself, and it even came up and said by entering the code it would reset the percentage. I ignored it, and ended up resetting my percentage (surprisingly) so I just assumed it would be the same in GTA V.


New Member
I didn't complete all of them so I don't really know if I there was a final reward for it but I did a bunch of them and honestly I don't think failing meant you couldn't take them again. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's probably because the first time I completed the game I used cheats since the begining.


Active Member
I didn't complete all of them so I don't really know if I there was a final reward for it but I did a bunch of them and honestly I don't think failing meant you couldn't take them again. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's probably because the first time I completed the game I used cheats since the begining.
There isn't really any award outside of the cash you get for completing each rampage. It's been a while, so I'm not sure about not being able to complete them if you fail the first time. Most people seem to be saying that though, so I guess it is true.


I remember being able to re-do rampage missions ?
Maybe I'm wrong though, it has a been a very long time since I've played Vice City. In any case those were fun and it's a shame we never got them in any later games ( except for a few in GTA V, I guess).


New Member
I never finished the rampages in VC. I hated the fact that when you failed a rampage, you couldn;t do it again. Has anybody here completed those successfully? Was there a special reward?
Well if you failed, you COULD do it again, as many times as you wanted to. I did complete all of them back then, but I don't remember getting a special reward or something.