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What did you guys think of the return of the rainbow road? It hasn't been around since the N64 days. I like it as it has vibrant colors. It's a pretty difficult track though. I don't think I would like a game that was mainly this style track, but it's a nice change now and again.


New Member
I loved it. The colors, the track itself and the music? Man, it's just a blast to play for me. While I don't find it that difficult myself, I can see why some would. And I gotta agree, it's good as a change of pace. But using it as a main style wouldn't hold up. That's why I love the variety of tracks that MK always offer.


It's a beautiful track, though the best thing is the music. In every rainbow road, but mainly the one from N64, the music was really nice and euphoric, which made the track even twice as beautiful. It's nice to see it returning to MK8, it was time they brought back such a good track. It isn't that hard in my opinion, once you know the track, it's real fun to play on it.


New Member
You better believe it's difficult! Or maybe I'm just not that great at Mario Kart. I'm happy they brought it back anyways. They revamped it to look 10x better than the original, including new features from MK8, making it one of my first choice maps. I have a love-hate relationship with this map! It's so fun, but every time I fall off the track (which is a lot) I tend to get annoyed. Especially after the 20th time.


You better believe it's difficult! Or maybe I'm just not that great at Mario Kart. I'm happy they brought it back anyways. They revamped it to look 10x better than the original, including new features from MK8, making it one of my first choice maps. I have a love-hate relationship with this map! It's so fun, but every time I fall off the track (which is a lot) I tend to get annoyed. Especially after the 20th time.

Nah, you just need to develop some skill, and be lucky that you don't fall off. Once you mastered rainbow road, and you're a rainbow road senpai, the fun begins. You can then start with trolling other by trying to push them of the track with a start or a bullet, or just by shooting them with shells at a hard spot.

And indeed, it looks 10 times better, I really love that totally random flying train (in the first lap I believe). It's just so ... random XD


I loved driving on the rainbow road! I also liked the cute little techo music that would come on when racing that course. I just hated falling off of it! It made me so anxious to drive on it! Remember those quick corners?


Active Member
Rainbow Road isn't that hard after the first run, to be honest. It's a great track, and a classic that should stick around.


New Member
Rainbow road is definitely a classic. It is one of my favorite maps because I loved the gratify defying physics of the map. The color, the game mechanics made Rainbow Road one of the most defining maps of Mario Kart in general. The challenge of the map always motivated me to do better, improving my skill in general.


Active Member
It was one of my favorite tracks, really colorful and symbolic of Mario Kart. Glad to see it remastered beautifully in HD.


It was one of my favorite tracks, really colorful and symbolic of Mario Kart. Glad to see it remastered beautifully in HD.

Yeah, it looks even better in Mario Kart 8, though there's still the feeling that's it's originally from the N64, which is really nice, since it's recognizable though in Mario Kart 8 there are some new elements (like the magic train which flies by at the end of the first lap), which I find really cool!


Every time a friend of mine suggests playing Rainbow Road, we take him out of the room and beat him up. Fuck Rainbow Road. And I know in my heart there's a hashtag for that.


Every time a friend of mine suggests playing Rainbow Road, we take him out of the room and beat him up. Fuck Rainbow Road. And I know in my heart there's a hashtag for that.

Damn it, what's wrong with you guys, I love Rainbow Road XD
There should be T-shirts for the haters though, Nintendo could potentially see big money in 'Fuck rainbow road' T-shirts and hoodies, since all the bad ass kids would have them.


What did you guys think of the return of the rainbow road? It hasn't been around since the N64 days. I like it as it has vibrant colors. It's a pretty difficult track though. I don't think I would like a game that was mainly this style track, but it's a nice change now and again.

I think that the rainbow track has been around ever since the game was on the SNES console and I will tell you that it has always been the most difficult track in the game. I really like the track though and I think that it just gives you something different.


My cousin has a Fuck Rainbow Road t-shirt for real. But it's a custom one not licensed by Nintendo.
I think there's even a #FuckRainbowRoad hashtag on Twitter.


New Member
It is a really classic one, that has been in Mario Kart for quite some time- falling off or making someone fall off by conveniently firing a shell at them is really fun!


New Member
Nah, you just need to develop some skill, and be lucky that you don't fall off. Once you mastered rainbow road, and you're a rainbow road senpai, the fun begins. You can then start with trolling other by trying to push them of the track with a start or a bullet, or just by shooting them with shells at a hard spot.

And indeed, it looks 10 times better, I really love that totally random flying train (in the first lap I believe). It's just so ... random XD
Yeah! The music is great, and Rainbow Road of course looks amazing with all the floating in space stuff! The fun really does begin!
It has always been and it still is a fantastic and classic track with vibrant colors and fun action, but I have always hated one thing about it: falling off the road. And given that I mostly play Mario Kart with friends while playing Mario Kart-related drinking games, we fall of the map a LOT. That's why the AI always beats us.


Active Member
I love racing on Rainbow Road, especially with people that get really angry when they fall off the map. I rarely do that myself, but I will go out of my way to shove other people to their doom. ;]
I've always been a fan of that mode. The bright colors always got my attention. So great to see that it's finally back in the series!