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Forza Motorsport 5 Racing Games

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New Member
This is very exclusive and informative post regarding racing games. Forza Motorsport5 is most attractive racing game. I am really attracted to see this.
Jahid Khan


New Member
Many online racing games allow you to select a car you will use to race with other players. The car you select largely determines whether you will win the race or not. When selecting a car, do not just look at the maximum speed.


Jerrod's right, there's so many factors that one needs to consider. I remember my sister used to just always look at the color and nothing else. It would drive me nuts. You need to consider the whole package and not just aesthetics or the engine.


Forza Motorsport 5 is the best 100% it has the best gameplay well i think and the best graphics.


New Member
Well to add to this thread, I think Trackmania is a very great game to play. Its feels very responsive even though it may not be so realistic. I still consider it one of the most fun racing games to play if not the most serious one.


New Member
I always felt Gran Turismo and Forza were more showcases than they were racing games. In fact now that I think of it are there any racing circuits these vehicles participate in for real? I know the manufacturers create racing vehicles, but some of the cars I see seem to be expensive luxury vehicles or even street legal vehicles that can be purchased by normal people. Are any of them actual racing cars?