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PlayStation 4 vs Xbox one is one great debate which has not been resolved. My personal opinion is that PlayStation 4 is the better option, free online game play, better hardware ( PlayStation 4 has ddr5 ram and Xbox one has ddr3 ram). Although the Xbox in my opinion has a much better controller, due to comfort-ability and Xbox one is cheaper with the console and games but is R 50.00 a month for online game play. The fact is that Xbox have gone towards being a home system while PlayStation has gone to full on gaming and therefore is more for hardcore gamers.


New Member
I'm a Xbox 360 and Xbox One type of girl. I mean I love Play Station, but it's just something about Xbox's controllers. Microsoft just continuously steps their game up. No offense to Play Station. I owned a PS1 and 2.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it did seem like Xbox was going more for the home theater angle and it kind of bit them in the behind for a while at the start whereas the ps4 was all about just playing games since there beginning which I actually liked and I think many others did as well since it has been a lot more successful than the xbox so far. I think MS has done a fairly good job of catching up though considering their disastrous start.


I am not sure exactly what it is but I have always been a Playstation fan. I think that it is just familiarity and having had the systems for most of my life, but I also think that they game play is better and the controllers fit better in my hand, which I think matters a lot more than some people may think. In terms of the home entertainment versus pure gaming I think that unless you are very strict then they both can fulfill all of those duties.


Active Member
I'm sticking with the PS4. Microsoft's practices with the Xbox One, especially their always online feature and bundling with Kinect, have left a sour taste in my mouth.

Ghost Rider

I've always been a Playstation fanboy so I'm sticking with Sony's baby. That doesn't mean I hate the Xbox One. I do believe that both systems have awesome exclusive titles. I actually play exlusive titles of both systems. If you're a gamer, you don't appreciate one system alone .


Well-Known Member
I'm sticking with the PS4. Microsoft's practices with the Xbox One, especially their always online feature and bundling with Kinect, have left a sour taste in my mouth.
I think many people have forgiven and forgotten about it at this point but I agree with you that it should really not be forgotten because obviously the behavior and mentality will always be there and now they have just figured out a better way to hide it.
The market has spoken either way, and PS4 is dominating. Sony just had a way better launch out of the gate, and lately they are killing it with their exclusives.


Well-Known Member
The market has spoken either way, and PS4 is dominating. Sony just had a way better launch out of the gate, and lately they are killing it with their exclusives.
Agreed. I'm sure the amount of exclusives they are getting also have a lot to do with their initial success and probably also the way they are running things which is to focus more on games rather than on being a media box.
I don't think one is inherently better than the other. Just choose whichever console has the exclusives you want to play and call it a day. I see no reason to have to decide which is best if they're so similar.


Well-Known Member
I don't think one is inherently better than the other. Just choose whichever console has the exclusives you want to play and call it a day. I see no reason to have to decide which is best if they're so similar.
Agreed. At this point home consoles have become so homogenized that there really is not much difference between them anymore. I'd say even PC only has slightly better graphics as a difference but for me personally that's fairly negligible so mainly the biggest differences nowadays only stem from the exclusive games and options.
Yeah, definitely, the only odd one out in my opinion is Nintendo. I see something like the WiiU as a complement to whatever platform you choose to get for yourself. That way you can get most games that are coming out and also enjoy the unique exclusives only Nintendo comes up with.


I am more of a fan of playstation and I think the PS4 hardware is very unique and impressive this time around. I would also like to see nintendo succeed more but the wii-u does not impress me.
I own them both but I think they serve different purposes. The Playstation 4 is great with sport games and the Xbox One is great with action games. If I had to pick one over the other, it would be the Xbox One.

Jenna Hopkins

New Member
I don't understand why people like PlayStation 4 so much more than the Xbox One. I have had Xbox since the day the original one came out and have never had any problems with it. I decide to buy a PS4 and have nothing but problems with it. It constantly freezes, the picture is horrible, and the controller feels extremely cheap. PlayStation stands for Piece of Sh** in my opinion.


For me it's Playstation, but Xbox is great too. The reason of it because I've been a fan of PS when I was a kid and until now (we own PS1). The exclusive games are great and on Xbox Exclusive games are great too. We don't have Xbox, but my cousins have it but I get to play on it.


I remember having issues on which console I was going to get when they were first released. Hell, they even featured that issue on Big Bang Theory if you recall. My only issue with the PS4 seemed to be how they striped away all the media features. Which made X Box One cool to have if for that reason alone. But over all it seems the turn out came down to the software which is what X Box struggled with from day one.

That and the $50 monthly fee which they could have easily got rid of to do some damage control. But oh well, PS4 rules for listening to their consumer base.


Active Member
I love them both, it's pretty hard to choose between one but I think I have to go with PS4 here. They have the better ecosystem, customer support and in terms of racing they have the better titles.


New Member
The Xbox One is definitely better. The only problem with the Xbox One is Microsoft. Their greedy tactics left the Xbox One with a bad reputation. Making used games unusable, requiring internet 24/7, requiring the Kinect on 24/7 to work, etc. all made the game console seem like it would die off but they changed all that and now it is definitely better than the PS4. They are actually trying to make games backwards compatible, are giving games with gold, etc. to make the console awesome.