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When you got the guys who were involved with MotorStorm involved, this could be a joyful attempt at an awesome racer. Anyways, what do you expect from this game? Will it be a hit or miss? Personally I have faith in Evolution Studios to bring out a truly awesome game, so we'll see when the full product comes out.
I doubt it will be a dud. The game looks great, but besides that, Sony is backing it up a lot and it's one of the launch titles. The last Motorstorm game was awesome, so I have good hopes for this game.


I think it could be a hit if it has some unique features it just seems it doesn't have anything which i'm like WOW at the moment though there are too many racing games so i'm not sure.


If they take any of the Motorstorm elements and ratchet it up at all, it's going to be amazing. I can't believe they would have gone to the trouble without having special in mind. Let's see but I am thinking this may be the real deal.


Well, the early impressions of this game might not be as good a we had expected, it's pretty much a given that Sony is going to try their level best to make this game awesome. We shouldn't forget that this game is scheduled to be one of their launch games. It has to be good. Do you think Sony will provide a lackluster support? Not a chance man!

mike mike

New Member
Personally I think it will not be a hit because of other competitive games out there.It will be different in its own way, which will make it more interesting, but other than that it will be a normal game. It will have a different feel to it, and it will be more exciting to others.
I'm not going to prepare the biggest of hopes for the game - to avoid being terribly dissapointed, but I am definitely excited for its release. I am patiently waiting...


I think it'll be a darn good game, it has all the makings to be a classic and maybe even will start a franchise, and I really would love to see that happen. From what I saw, this game is shaping up to be a major hit.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea on the background of the company that's making this, to be honest, but from what I've heard and seen in the previews, I do have high hopes for it. The mechanics sound interesting enough for me, especially the part about being able to make racing teams.


Well-Known Member
I think it would do the trick definitely or in a new market.
Yeah, I think this is the first line of social integration in racing games so it is exciting to see what will become of it. From what I've seen so far this game doesn't seem half bad, but I just hope they don't expect to gain attention from just being another traditional racing game.